ansible.builtin.unarchive – Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine

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Ansible/docs/2.10/collections/ansible/builtin/unarchive module

ansible.builtin.unarchive – Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine


This module is part of ansible-base and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name unarchive even without specifying the collections: keyword. Despite that, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same module name.

New in version 1.4: of ansible.builtin


  • The unarchive module unpacks an archive. It will not unpack a compressed file that does not contain an archive.
  • By default, it will copy the source file from the local system to the target before unpacking.
  • Set remote_src=yes to unpack an archive which already exists on the target.
  • If checksum validation is desired, use ansible.builtin.get_url or ansible.builtin.uri instead to fetch the file and set remote_src=yes.
  • For Windows targets, use the module instead.


This module has a corresponding action plugin.


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments



added in 2.3 of ansible.builtin

The attributes the resulting file or directory should have.

To get supported flags look at the man page for chattr on the target system.

This string should contain the attributes in the same order as the one displayed by lsattr.

The = operator is assumed as default, otherwise + or - operators need to be included in the string.

aliases: attr



  • no
  • yes

If true, the file is copied from local 'master' to the target machine, otherwise, the plugin will look for src archive at the target machine.

This option has been deprecated in favor of remote_src.

This option is mutually exclusive with remote_src.



added in 1.6 of ansible.builtin

If the specified absolute path (file or directory) already exists, this step will not be run.



added in 2.4 of ansible.builtin

  • no
  • yes

This option controls the autodecryption of source files using vault.


path / required

Remote absolute path where the archive should be unpacked.


list / elements=string

added in 2.1 of ansible.builtin

List the directory and file entries that you would like to exclude from the unarchive action.


list / elements=string

added in 2.1 of ansible.builtin



Specify additional options by passing in an array.

Each space-separated command-line option should be a new element of the array. See examples.

Command-line options with multiple elements must use multiple lines in the array, one for each element.



Name of the group that should own the file/directory, as would be fed to chown.



added in 2.1 of ansible.builtin

  • no

  • yes

Do not replace existing files that are newer than files from the archive.



added in 2.0 of ansible.builtin

  • no

  • yes

If set to True, return the list of files that are contained in the tarball.



The permissions the resulting file or directory should have.

For those used to /usr/bin/chmod remember that modes are actually octal numbers. You must either add a leading zero so that Ansible's YAML parser knows it is an octal number (like 0644 or 01777) or quote it (like '644' or '1777') so Ansible receives a string and can do its own conversion from string into number.

Giving Ansible a number without following one of these rules will end up with a decimal number which will have unexpected results.

As of Ansible 1.8, the mode may be specified as a symbolic mode (for example, u+rwx or u=rw,g=r,o=r).



Name of the user that should own the file/directory, as would be fed to chown.



added in 2.2 of ansible.builtin

  • no

  • yes

Set to yes to indicate the archived file is already on the remote system and not local to the Ansible controller.

This option is mutually exclusive with copy.



The level part of the SELinux file context.

This is the MLS/MCS attribute, sometimes known as the range.

When set to _default, it will use the level portion of the policy if available.



The role part of the SELinux file context.

When set to _default, it will use the role portion of the policy if available.



The type part of the SELinux file context.

When set to _default, it will use the type portion of the policy if available.



The user part of the SELinux file context.

By default it uses the system policy, where applicable.

When set to _default, it will use the user portion of the policy if available.


path / required

If remote_src=no (default), local path to archive file to copy to the target server; can be absolute or relative. If remote_src=yes, path on the target server to existing archive file to unpack.

If remote_src=yes and src contains ://, the remote machine will download the file from the URL first. (version_added 2.0). This is only for simple cases, for full download support use the ansible.builtin.get_url module.



added in 2.2 of ansible.builtin

  • no

  • yes

Influence when to use atomic operation to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target file.

By default this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, but sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example is docker mounted files, which cannot be updated atomically from inside the container and can only be written in an unsafe manner.

This option allows Ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files when atomic operations fail (however, it doesn't force Ansible to perform unsafe writes).

IMPORTANT! Unsafe writes are subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.



added in 2.2 of ansible.builtin

  • no
  • yes

This only applies if using a https URL as the source of the file.

This should only set to no used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificate.

Prior to 2.2 the code worked as if this was set to yes.



  • Requires zipinfo and gtar/unzip command on target host.
  • Can handle .zip files using unzip as well as .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .tar.xz files using gtar.
  • Does not handle .gz files, .bz2 files or .xz files that do not contain a .tar archive.
  • Uses gtar’s --diff arg to calculate if changed or not. If this arg is not supported, it will always unpack the archive.
  • Existing files/directories in the destination which are not in the archive are not touched. This is the same behavior as a normal archive extraction.
  • Existing files/directories in the destination which are not in the archive are ignored for purposes of deciding if the archive should be unpacked or not.
  • Supports check_mode.

See Also

See also

The official documentation on the community.general.archive module.
The official documentation on the community.general.iso_extract module.
The official documentation on the module.


- name: Extract foo.tgz into /var/lib/foo
    src: foo.tgz
    dest: /var/lib/foo

- name: Unarchive a file that is already on the remote machine
    src: /tmp/
    dest: /usr/local/bin
    remote_src: yes

- name: Unarchive a file that needs to be downloaded (added in 2.0)
    dest: /usr/local/bin
    remote_src: yes

- name: Unarchive a file with extra options
    src: /tmp/
    dest: /usr/local/bin
    - --transform
    - s/^xxx/yyy/


  • Michael DeHaan

© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.