Package syscall

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Package syscall


Package syscall contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives. The details vary depending on the underlying system, and by default, godoc will display the syscall documentation for the current system. If you want godoc to display syscall documentation for another system, set $GOOS and $GOARCH to the desired system. For example, if you want to view documentation for freebsd/arm on linux/amd64, set $GOOS to freebsd and $GOARCH to arm. The primary use of syscall is inside other packages that provide a more portable interface to the system, such as "os", "time" and "net". Use those packages rather than this one if you can. For details of the functions and data types in this package consult the manuals for the appropriate operating system. These calls return err == nil to indicate success; otherwise err is an operating system error describing the failure. On most systems, that error has type syscall.Errno.

Deprecated: this package is locked down. Callers should use the corresponding package in the repository instead. That is also where updates required by new systems or versions should be applied. See for more information.


Package files

bpf_darwin.go dirent.go endian_little.go env_unix.go exec_libc2.go exec_unix.go flock_darwin.go forkpipe.go msan0.go net.go ptrace_darwin.go route_bsd.go route_darwin.go sockcmsg_unix.go sockcmsg_unix_other.go syscall.go syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_amd64.go syscall_unix.go time_nofake.go timestruct.go zerrors_darwin_amd64.go zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go ztypes_darwin_amd64.go


const (
    AF_APPLETALK                      = 0x10
    AF_CCITT                          = 0xa
    AF_CHAOS                          = 0x5
    AF_CNT                            = 0x15
    AF_COIP                           = 0x14
    AF_DATAKIT                        = 0x9
    AF_DECnet                         = 0xc
    AF_DLI                            = 0xd
    AF_E164                           = 0x1c
    AF_ECMA                           = 0x8
    AF_HYLINK                         = 0xf
    AF_IEEE80211                      = 0x25
    AF_IMPLINK                        = 0x3
    AF_INET                           = 0x2
    AF_INET6                          = 0x1e
    AF_IPX                            = 0x17
    AF_ISDN                           = 0x1c
    AF_ISO                            = 0x7
    AF_LAT                            = 0xe
    AF_LINK                           = 0x12
    AF_LOCAL                          = 0x1
    AF_MAX                            = 0x26
    AF_NATM                           = 0x1f
    AF_NDRV                           = 0x1b
    AF_NETBIOS                        = 0x21
    AF_NS                             = 0x6
    AF_OSI                            = 0x7
    AF_PPP                            = 0x22
    AF_PUP                            = 0x4
    AF_RESERVED_36                    = 0x24
    AF_ROUTE                          = 0x11
    AF_SIP                            = 0x18
    AF_SNA                            = 0xb
    AF_SYSTEM                         = 0x20
    AF_UNIX                           = 0x1
    AF_UNSPEC                         = 0x0
    B0                                = 0x0
    B110                              = 0x6e
    B115200                           = 0x1c200
    B1200                             = 0x4b0
    B134                              = 0x86
    B14400                            = 0x3840
    B150                              = 0x96
    B1800                             = 0x708
    B19200                            = 0x4b00
    B200                              = 0xc8
    B230400                           = 0x38400
    B2400                             = 0x960
    B28800                            = 0x7080
    B300                              = 0x12c
    B38400                            = 0x9600
    B4800                             = 0x12c0
    B50                               = 0x32
    B57600                            = 0xe100
    B600                              = 0x258
    B7200                             = 0x1c20
    B75                               = 0x4b
    B76800                            = 0x12c00
    B9600                             = 0x2580
    BIOCFLUSH                         = 0x20004268
    BIOCGBLEN                         = 0x40044266
    BIOCGDLT                          = 0x4004426a
    BIOCGDLTLIST                      = 0xc00c4279
    BIOCGETIF                         = 0x4020426b
    BIOCGHDRCMPLT                     = 0x40044274
    BIOCGRSIG                         = 0x40044272
    BIOCGRTIMEOUT                     = 0x4010426e
    BIOCGSEESENT                      = 0x40044276
    BIOCGSTATS                        = 0x4008426f
    BIOCIMMEDIATE                     = 0x80044270
    BIOCPROMISC                       = 0x20004269
    BIOCSBLEN                         = 0xc0044266
    BIOCSDLT                          = 0x80044278
    BIOCSETF                          = 0x80104267
    BIOCSETIF                         = 0x8020426c
    BIOCSHDRCMPLT                     = 0x80044275
    BIOCSRSIG                         = 0x80044273
    BIOCSRTIMEOUT                     = 0x8010426d
    BIOCSSEESENT                      = 0x80044277
    BIOCVERSION                       = 0x40044271
    BPF_A                             = 0x10
    BPF_ABS                           = 0x20
    BPF_ADD                           = 0x0
    BPF_ALIGNMENT                     = 0x4
    BPF_ALU                           = 0x4
    BPF_AND                           = 0x50
    BPF_B                             = 0x10
    BPF_DIV                           = 0x30
    BPF_H                             = 0x8
    BPF_IMM                           = 0x0
    BPF_IND                           = 0x40
    BPF_JA                            = 0x0
    BPF_JEQ                           = 0x10
    BPF_JGE                           = 0x30
    BPF_JGT                           = 0x20
    BPF_JMP                           = 0x5
    BPF_JSET                          = 0x40
    BPF_K                             = 0x0
    BPF_LD                            = 0x0
    BPF_LDX                           = 0x1
    BPF_LEN                           = 0x80
    BPF_LSH                           = 0x60
    BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                 = 0x1
    BPF_MAXBUFSIZE                    = 0x80000
    BPF_MAXINSNS                      = 0x200
    BPF_MEM                           = 0x60
    BPF_MEMWORDS                      = 0x10
    BPF_MINBUFSIZE                    = 0x20
    BPF_MINOR_VERSION                 = 0x1
    BPF_MISC                          = 0x7
    BPF_MSH                           = 0xa0
    BPF_MUL                           = 0x20
    BPF_NEG                           = 0x80
    BPF_OR                            = 0x40
    BPF_RELEASE                       = 0x30bb6
    BPF_RET                           = 0x6
    BPF_RSH                           = 0x70
    BPF_ST                            = 0x2
    BPF_STX                           = 0x3
    BPF_SUB                           = 0x10
    BPF_TAX                           = 0x0
    BPF_TXA                           = 0x80
    BPF_W                             = 0x0
    BPF_X                             = 0x8
    BRKINT                            = 0x2
    CFLUSH                            = 0xf
    CLOCAL                            = 0x8000
    CREAD                             = 0x800
    CS5                               = 0x0
    CS6                               = 0x100
    CS7                               = 0x200
    CS8                               = 0x300
    CSIZE                             = 0x300
    CSTART                            = 0x11
    CSTATUS                           = 0x14
    CSTOP                             = 0x13
    CSTOPB                            = 0x400
    CSUSP                             = 0x1a
    CTL_MAXNAME                       = 0xc
    CTL_NET                           = 0x4
    DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394        = 0x8a
    DLT_ARCNET                        = 0x7
    DLT_ATM_CLIP                      = 0x13
    DLT_ATM_RFC1483                   = 0xb
    DLT_AX25                          = 0x3
    DLT_CHAOS                         = 0x5
    DLT_CHDLC                         = 0x68
    DLT_C_HDLC                        = 0x68
    DLT_EN10MB                        = 0x1
    DLT_EN3MB                         = 0x2
    DLT_FDDI                          = 0xa
    DLT_IEEE802                       = 0x6
    DLT_IEEE802_11                    = 0x69
    DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO              = 0x7f
    DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS          = 0xa3
    DLT_LINUX_SLL                     = 0x71
    DLT_LOOP                          = 0x6c
    DLT_NULL                          = 0x0
    DLT_PFLOG                         = 0x75
    DLT_PFSYNC                        = 0x12
    DLT_PPP                           = 0x9
    DLT_PPP_BSDOS                     = 0x10
    DLT_PPP_SERIAL                    = 0x32
    DLT_PRONET                        = 0x4
    DLT_RAW                           = 0xc
    DLT_SLIP                          = 0x8
    DLT_SLIP_BSDOS                    = 0xf
    DT_BLK                            = 0x6
    DT_CHR                            = 0x2
    DT_DIR                            = 0x4
    DT_FIFO                           = 0x1
    DT_LNK                            = 0xa
    DT_REG                            = 0x8
    DT_SOCK                           = 0xc
    DT_UNKNOWN                        = 0x0
    DT_WHT                            = 0xe
    ECHO                              = 0x8
    ECHOCTL                           = 0x40
    ECHOE                             = 0x2
    ECHOK                             = 0x4
    ECHOKE                            = 0x1
    ECHONL                            = 0x10
    ECHOPRT                           = 0x20
    EVFILT_AIO                        = -0x3
    EVFILT_FS                         = -0x9
    EVFILT_MACHPORT                   = -0x8
    EVFILT_PROC                       = -0x5
    EVFILT_READ                       = -0x1
    EVFILT_SIGNAL                     = -0x6
    EVFILT_SYSCOUNT                   = 0xc
    EVFILT_THREADMARKER               = 0xc
    EVFILT_TIMER                      = -0x7
    EVFILT_USER                       = -0xa
    EVFILT_VM                         = -0xc
    EVFILT_VNODE                      = -0x4
    EVFILT_WRITE                      = -0x2
    EV_ADD                            = 0x1
    EV_CLEAR                          = 0x20
    EV_DELETE                         = 0x2
    EV_DISABLE                        = 0x8
    EV_DISPATCH                       = 0x80
    EV_ENABLE                         = 0x4
    EV_EOF                            = 0x8000
    EV_ERROR                          = 0x4000
    EV_FLAG0                          = 0x1000
    EV_FLAG1                          = 0x2000
    EV_ONESHOT                        = 0x10
    EV_OOBAND                         = 0x2000
    EV_POLL                           = 0x1000
    EV_RECEIPT                        = 0x40
    EV_SYSFLAGS                       = 0xf000
    EXTA                              = 0x4b00
    EXTB                              = 0x9600
    EXTPROC                           = 0x800
    FD_CLOEXEC                        = 0x1
    FD_SETSIZE                        = 0x400
    FLUSHO                            = 0x800000
    F_ADDFILESIGS                     = 0x3d
    F_ADDSIGS                         = 0x3b
    F_ALLOCATEALL                     = 0x4
    F_ALLOCATECONTIG                  = 0x2
    F_CHKCLEAN                        = 0x29
    F_DUPFD                           = 0x0
    F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                   = 0x43
    F_FLUSH_DATA                      = 0x28
    F_FREEZE_FS                       = 0x35
    F_FULLFSYNC                       = 0x33
    F_GETFD                           = 0x1
    F_GETFL                           = 0x3
    F_GETLK                           = 0x7
    F_GETLKPID                        = 0x42
    F_GETNOSIGPIPE                    = 0x4a
    F_GETOWN                          = 0x5
    F_GETPATH                         = 0x32
    F_GETPATH_MTMINFO                 = 0x47
    F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS              = 0x3f
    F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE                  = 0x37
    F_LOG2PHYS                        = 0x31
    F_LOG2PHYS_EXT                    = 0x41
    F_MARKDEPENDENCY                  = 0x3c
    F_NOCACHE                         = 0x30
    F_NODIRECT                        = 0x3e
    F_OK                              = 0x0
    F_PATHPKG_CHECK                   = 0x34
    F_PEOFPOSMODE                     = 0x3
    F_PREALLOCATE                     = 0x2a
    F_RDADVISE                        = 0x2c
    F_RDAHEAD                         = 0x2d
    F_RDLCK                           = 0x1
    F_READBOOTSTRAP                   = 0x2e
    F_SETBACKINGSTORE                 = 0x46
    F_SETFD                           = 0x2
    F_SETFL                           = 0x4
    F_SETLK                           = 0x8
    F_SETLKW                          = 0x9
    F_SETNOSIGPIPE                    = 0x49
    F_SETOWN                          = 0x6
    F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS              = 0x40
    F_SETSIZE                         = 0x2b
    F_THAW_FS                         = 0x36
    F_UNLCK                           = 0x2
    F_VOLPOSMODE                      = 0x4
    F_WRITEBOOTSTRAP                  = 0x2f
    F_WRLCK                           = 0x3
    HUPCL                             = 0x4000
    ICANON                            = 0x100
    ICMP6_FILTER                      = 0x12
    ICRNL                             = 0x100
    IEXTEN                            = 0x400
    IFF_ALLMULTI                      = 0x200
    IFF_ALTPHYS                       = 0x4000
    IFF_BROADCAST                     = 0x2
    IFF_DEBUG                         = 0x4
    IFF_LINK0                         = 0x1000
    IFF_LINK1                         = 0x2000
    IFF_LINK2                         = 0x4000
    IFF_LOOPBACK                      = 0x8
    IFF_MULTICAST                     = 0x8000
    IFF_NOARP                         = 0x80
    IFF_NOTRAILERS                    = 0x20
    IFF_OACTIVE                       = 0x400
    IFF_POINTOPOINT                   = 0x10
    IFF_PROMISC                       = 0x100
    IFF_RUNNING                       = 0x40
    IFF_SIMPLEX                       = 0x800
    IFF_UP                            = 0x1
    IFNAMSIZ                          = 0x10
    IFT_1822                          = 0x2
    IFT_AAL5                          = 0x31
    IFT_ARCNET                        = 0x23
    IFT_ARCNETPLUS                    = 0x24
    IFT_ATM                           = 0x25
    IFT_BRIDGE                        = 0xd1
    IFT_CARP                          = 0xf8
    IFT_CELLULAR                      = 0xff
    IFT_CEPT                          = 0x13
    IFT_DS3                           = 0x1e
    IFT_ENC                           = 0xf4
    IFT_EON                           = 0x19
    IFT_ETHER                         = 0x6
    IFT_FAITH                         = 0x38
    IFT_FDDI                          = 0xf
    IFT_FRELAY                        = 0x20
    IFT_FRELAYDCE                     = 0x2c
    IFT_GIF                           = 0x37
    IFT_HDH1822                       = 0x3
    IFT_HIPPI                         = 0x2f
    IFT_HSSI                          = 0x2e
    IFT_HY                            = 0xe
    IFT_IEEE1394                      = 0x90
    IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG                 = 0x88
    IFT_ISDNBASIC                     = 0x14
    IFT_ISDNPRIMARY                   = 0x15
    IFT_ISO88022LLC                   = 0x29
    IFT_ISO88023                      = 0x7
    IFT_ISO88024                      = 0x8
    IFT_ISO88025                      = 0x9
    IFT_ISO88026                      = 0xa
    IFT_L2VLAN                        = 0x87
    IFT_LAPB                          = 0x10
    IFT_LOCALTALK                     = 0x2a
    IFT_LOOP                          = 0x18
    IFT_MIOX25                        = 0x26
    IFT_MODEM                         = 0x30
    IFT_NSIP                          = 0x1b
    IFT_OTHER                         = 0x1
    IFT_P10                           = 0xc
    IFT_P80                           = 0xd
    IFT_PARA                          = 0x22
    IFT_PDP                           = 0xff
    IFT_PFLOG                         = 0xf5
    IFT_PFSYNC                        = 0xf6
    IFT_PPP                           = 0x17
    IFT_PROPMUX                       = 0x36
    IFT_PROPVIRTUAL                   = 0x35
    IFT_PTPSERIAL                     = 0x16
    IFT_RS232                         = 0x21
    IFT_SDLC                          = 0x11
    IFT_SIP                           = 0x1f
    IFT_SLIP                          = 0x1c
    IFT_SMDSDXI                       = 0x2b
    IFT_SMDSICIP                      = 0x34
    IFT_SONET                         = 0x27
    IFT_SONETPATH                     = 0x32
    IFT_SONETVT                       = 0x33
    IFT_STARLAN                       = 0xb
    IFT_STF                           = 0x39
    IFT_T1                            = 0x12
    IFT_ULTRA                         = 0x1d
    IFT_V35                           = 0x2d
    IFT_X25                           = 0x5
    IFT_X25DDN                        = 0x4
    IFT_X25PLE                        = 0x28
    IFT_XETHER                        = 0x1a
    IGNBRK                            = 0x1
    IGNCR                             = 0x80
    IGNPAR                            = 0x4
    IMAXBEL                           = 0x2000
    INLCR                             = 0x40
    INPCK                             = 0x10
    IN_CLASSA_HOST                    = 0xffffff
    IN_CLASSA_MAX                     = 0x80
    IN_CLASSA_NET                     = 0xff000000
    IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                  = 0x18
    IN_CLASSB_HOST                    = 0xffff
    IN_CLASSB_MAX                     = 0x10000
    IN_CLASSB_NET                     = 0xffff0000
    IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                  = 0x10
    IN_CLASSC_HOST                    = 0xff
    IN_CLASSC_NET                     = 0xffffff00
    IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                  = 0x8
    IN_CLASSD_HOST                    = 0xfffffff
    IN_CLASSD_NET                     = 0xf0000000
    IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT                  = 0x1c
    IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM                = 0xa9fe0000
    IN_LOOPBACKNET                    = 0x7f
    IPPROTO_3PC                       = 0x22
    IPPROTO_ADFS                      = 0x44
    IPPROTO_AH                        = 0x33
    IPPROTO_AHIP                      = 0x3d
    IPPROTO_APES                      = 0x63
    IPPROTO_ARGUS                     = 0xd
    IPPROTO_AX25                      = 0x5d
    IPPROTO_BHA                       = 0x31
    IPPROTO_BLT                       = 0x1e
    IPPROTO_BRSATMON                  = 0x4c
    IPPROTO_CFTP                      = 0x3e
    IPPROTO_CHAOS                     = 0x10
    IPPROTO_CMTP                      = 0x26
    IPPROTO_CPHB                      = 0x49
    IPPROTO_CPNX                      = 0x48
    IPPROTO_DDP                       = 0x25
    IPPROTO_DGP                       = 0x56
    IPPROTO_DIVERT                    = 0xfe
    IPPROTO_DONE                      = 0x101
    IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                   = 0x3c
    IPPROTO_EGP                       = 0x8
    IPPROTO_EMCON                     = 0xe
    IPPROTO_ENCAP                     = 0x62
    IPPROTO_EON                       = 0x50
    IPPROTO_ESP                       = 0x32
    IPPROTO_ETHERIP                   = 0x61
    IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                  = 0x2c
    IPPROTO_GGP                       = 0x3
    IPPROTO_GMTP                      = 0x64
    IPPROTO_GRE                       = 0x2f
    IPPROTO_HELLO                     = 0x3f
    IPPROTO_HMP                       = 0x14
    IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                   = 0x0
    IPPROTO_ICMP                      = 0x1
    IPPROTO_ICMPV6                    = 0x3a
    IPPROTO_IDP                       = 0x16
    IPPROTO_IDPR                      = 0x23
    IPPROTO_IDRP                      = 0x2d
    IPPROTO_IGMP                      = 0x2
    IPPROTO_IGP                       = 0x55
    IPPROTO_IGRP                      = 0x58
    IPPROTO_IL                        = 0x28
    IPPROTO_INLSP                     = 0x34
    IPPROTO_INP                       = 0x20
    IPPROTO_IP                        = 0x0
    IPPROTO_IPCOMP                    = 0x6c
    IPPROTO_IPCV                      = 0x47
    IPPROTO_IPEIP                     = 0x5e
    IPPROTO_IPIP                      = 0x4
    IPPROTO_IPPC                      = 0x43
    IPPROTO_IPV4                      = 0x4
    IPPROTO_IPV6                      = 0x29
    IPPROTO_IRTP                      = 0x1c
    IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN                 = 0x41
    IPPROTO_LARP                      = 0x5b
    IPPROTO_LEAF1                     = 0x19
    IPPROTO_LEAF2                     = 0x1a
    IPPROTO_MAX                       = 0x100
    IPPROTO_MAXID                     = 0x34
    IPPROTO_MEAS                      = 0x13
    IPPROTO_MHRP                      = 0x30
    IPPROTO_MICP                      = 0x5f
    IPPROTO_MTP                       = 0x5c
    IPPROTO_MUX                       = 0x12
    IPPROTO_ND                        = 0x4d
    IPPROTO_NHRP                      = 0x36
    IPPROTO_NONE                      = 0x3b
    IPPROTO_NSP                       = 0x1f
    IPPROTO_NVPII                     = 0xb
    IPPROTO_OSPFIGP                   = 0x59
    IPPROTO_PGM                       = 0x71
    IPPROTO_PIGP                      = 0x9
    IPPROTO_PIM                       = 0x67
    IPPROTO_PRM                       = 0x15
    IPPROTO_PUP                       = 0xc
    IPPROTO_PVP                       = 0x4b
    IPPROTO_RAW                       = 0xff
    IPPROTO_RCCMON                    = 0xa
    IPPROTO_RDP                       = 0x1b
    IPPROTO_ROUTING                   = 0x2b
    IPPROTO_RSVP                      = 0x2e
    IPPROTO_RVD                       = 0x42
    IPPROTO_SATEXPAK                  = 0x40
    IPPROTO_SATMON                    = 0x45
    IPPROTO_SCCSP                     = 0x60
    IPPROTO_SCTP                      = 0x84
    IPPROTO_SDRP                      = 0x2a
    IPPROTO_SEP                       = 0x21
    IPPROTO_SRPC                      = 0x5a
    IPPROTO_ST                        = 0x7
    IPPROTO_SVMTP                     = 0x52
    IPPROTO_SWIPE                     = 0x35
    IPPROTO_TCF                       = 0x57
    IPPROTO_TCP                       = 0x6
    IPPROTO_TP                        = 0x1d
    IPPROTO_TPXX                      = 0x27
    IPPROTO_TRUNK1                    = 0x17
    IPPROTO_TRUNK2                    = 0x18
    IPPROTO_TTP                       = 0x54
    IPPROTO_UDP                       = 0x11
    IPPROTO_VINES                     = 0x53
    IPPROTO_VISA                      = 0x46
    IPPROTO_VMTP                      = 0x51
    IPPROTO_WBEXPAK                   = 0x4f
    IPPROTO_WBMON                     = 0x4e
    IPPROTO_WSN                       = 0x4a
    IPPROTO_XNET                      = 0xf
    IPPROTO_XTP                       = 0x24
    IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                  = 0x17
    IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                 = 0x14
    IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                  = 0x16
    IPV6_2292NEXTHOP                  = 0x15
    IPV6_2292PKTINFO                  = 0x13
    IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS               = 0x19
    IPV6_2292RTHDR                    = 0x18
    IPV6_BINDV6ONLY                   = 0x1b
    IPV6_BOUND_IF                     = 0x7d
    IPV6_CHECKSUM                     = 0x1a
    IPV6_DEFHLIM                      = 0x40
    IPV6_FAITH                        = 0x1d
    IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK                = 0xffffff0f
    IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK               = 0xffff0f00
    IPV6_FRAGTTL                      = 0x78
    IPV6_FW_ADD                       = 0x1e
    IPV6_FW_DEL                       = 0x1f
    IPV6_FW_FLUSH                     = 0x20
    IPV6_FW_GET                       = 0x22
    IPV6_FW_ZERO                      = 0x21
    IPV6_HLIMDEC                      = 0x1
    IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                 = 0x1c
    IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                   = 0xc
    IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                  = 0xd
    IPV6_MAXHLIM                      = 0xff
    IPV6_MAXOPTHDR                    = 0x800
    IPV6_MAXPACKET                    = 0xffff
    IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER         = 0x200
    IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS              = 0xfff
    IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER          = 0x80
    IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS              = 0x1f
    IPV6_MMTU                         = 0x500
    IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS               = 0xa
    IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                 = 0x9
    IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP               = 0xb
    IPV6_PORTRANGE                    = 0xe
    IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT            = 0x0
    IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH               = 0x1
    IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW                = 0x2
    IPV6_RECVTCLASS                   = 0x23
    IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                  = 0x0
    IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                 = 0x1
    IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                 = 0x0
    IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1            = 0x3
    IPV6_TCLASS                       = 0x24
    IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                 = 0x4
    IPV6_V6ONLY                       = 0x1b
    IPV6_VERSION                      = 0x60
    IPV6_VERSION_MASK                 = 0xf0
    IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0xc
    IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP          = 0x46
    IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x48
    IP_BOUND_IF                       = 0x19
    IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL          = 0x1
    IP_DF                             = 0x4000
    IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                = 0xd
    IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP         = 0x47
    IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE             = 0x3c
    IP_DUMMYNET_DEL                   = 0x3d
    IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH                 = 0x3e
    IP_DUMMYNET_GET                   = 0x40
    IP_FAITH                          = 0x16
    IP_FW_ADD                         = 0x28
    IP_FW_DEL                         = 0x29
    IP_FW_FLUSH                       = 0x2a
    IP_FW_GET                         = 0x2c
    IP_FW_RESETLOG                    = 0x2d
    IP_FW_ZERO                        = 0x2b
    IP_HDRINCL                        = 0x2
    IP_IPSEC_POLICY                   = 0x15
    IP_MAXPACKET                      = 0xffff
    IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER           = 0x200
    IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                = 0xfff
    IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER           = 0x80
    IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER            = 0x80
    IP_MF                             = 0x2000
    IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS                = 0x1f
    IP_MSFILTER                       = 0x4a
    IP_MSS                            = 0x240
    IP_MULTICAST_IF                   = 0x9
    IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX              = 0x42
    IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                 = 0xb
    IP_MULTICAST_TTL                  = 0xa
    IP_MULTICAST_VIF                  = 0xe
    IP_NAT__XXX                       = 0x37
    IP_OFFMASK                        = 0x1fff
    IP_OLD_FW_ADD                     = 0x32
    IP_OLD_FW_DEL                     = 0x33
    IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH                   = 0x34
    IP_OLD_FW_GET                     = 0x36
    IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG                = 0x38
    IP_OLD_FW_ZERO                    = 0x35
    IP_OPTIONS                        = 0x1
    IP_PKTINFO                        = 0x1a
    IP_PORTRANGE                      = 0x13
    IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT              = 0x0
    IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH                 = 0x1
    IP_PORTRANGE_LOW                  = 0x2
    IP_RECVDSTADDR                    = 0x7
    IP_RECVIF                         = 0x14
    IP_RECVOPTS                       = 0x5
    IP_RECVPKTINFO                    = 0x1a
    IP_RECVRETOPTS                    = 0x6
    IP_RECVTTL                        = 0x18
    IP_RETOPTS                        = 0x8
    IP_RF                             = 0x8000
    IP_RSVP_OFF                       = 0x10
    IP_RSVP_ON                        = 0xf
    IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF                   = 0x12
    IP_RSVP_VIF_ON                    = 0x11
    IP_STRIPHDR                       = 0x17
    IP_TOS                            = 0x3
    IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND         = 0x41
    IP_TTL                            = 0x4
    IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x49
    ISIG                              = 0x80
    ISTRIP                            = 0x20
    IUTF8                             = 0x4000
    IXANY                             = 0x800
    IXOFF                             = 0x400
    IXON                              = 0x200
    LOCK_EX                           = 0x2
    LOCK_NB                           = 0x4
    LOCK_SH                           = 0x1
    LOCK_UN                           = 0x8
    MADV_CAN_REUSE                    = 0x9
    MADV_DONTNEED                     = 0x4
    MADV_FREE                         = 0x5
    MADV_FREE_REUSABLE                = 0x7
    MADV_FREE_REUSE                   = 0x8
    MADV_NORMAL                       = 0x0
    MADV_RANDOM                       = 0x1
    MADV_SEQUENTIAL                   = 0x2
    MADV_WILLNEED                     = 0x3
    MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES             = 0x6
    MAP_ANON                          = 0x1000
    MAP_COPY                          = 0x2
    MAP_FILE                          = 0x0
    MAP_FIXED                         = 0x10
    MAP_HASSEMAPHORE                  = 0x200
    MAP_JIT                           = 0x800
    MAP_NOCACHE                       = 0x400
    MAP_NOEXTEND                      = 0x100
    MAP_NORESERVE                     = 0x40
    MAP_PRIVATE                       = 0x2
    MAP_RENAME                        = 0x20
    MAP_RESERVED0080                  = 0x80
    MAP_SHARED                        = 0x1
    MCL_CURRENT                       = 0x1
    MCL_FUTURE                        = 0x2
    MSG_CTRUNC                        = 0x20
    MSG_DONTROUTE                     = 0x4
    MSG_DONTWAIT                      = 0x80
    MSG_EOF                           = 0x100
    MSG_EOR                           = 0x8
    MSG_FLUSH                         = 0x400
    MSG_HAVEMORE                      = 0x2000
    MSG_HOLD                          = 0x800
    MSG_NEEDSA                        = 0x10000
    MSG_OOB                           = 0x1
    MSG_PEEK                          = 0x2
    MSG_RCVMORE                       = 0x4000
    MSG_SEND                          = 0x1000
    MSG_TRUNC                         = 0x10
    MSG_WAITALL                       = 0x40
    MSG_WAITSTREAM                    = 0x200
    MS_ASYNC                          = 0x1
    MS_DEACTIVATE                     = 0x8
    MS_INVALIDATE                     = 0x2
    MS_KILLPAGES                      = 0x4
    MS_SYNC                           = 0x10
    NAME_MAX                          = 0xff
    NET_RT_DUMP                       = 0x1
    NET_RT_DUMP2                      = 0x7
    NET_RT_FLAGS                      = 0x2
    NET_RT_IFLIST                     = 0x3
    NET_RT_IFLIST2                    = 0x6
    NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0xa
    NET_RT_STAT                       = 0x4
    NET_RT_TRASH                      = 0x5
    NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
    NOTE_ABSOLUTE                     = 0x8
    NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
    NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
    NOTE_DELETE                       = 0x1
    NOTE_EXEC                         = 0x20000000
    NOTE_EXIT                         = 0x80000000
    NOTE_EXITSTATUS                   = 0x4000000
    NOTE_EXTEND                       = 0x4
    NOTE_FFAND                        = 0x40000000
    NOTE_FFCOPY                       = 0xc0000000
    NOTE_FFCTRLMASK                   = 0xc0000000
    NOTE_FFLAGSMASK                   = 0xffffff
    NOTE_FFNOP                        = 0x0
    NOTE_FFOR                         = 0x80000000
    NOTE_FORK                         = 0x40000000
    NOTE_LINK                         = 0x10
    NOTE_LOWAT                        = 0x1
    NOTE_NONE                         = 0x80
    NOTE_NSECONDS                     = 0x4
    NOTE_PCTRLMASK                    = -0x100000
    NOTE_PDATAMASK                    = 0xfffff
    NOTE_REAP                         = 0x10000000
    NOTE_RENAME                       = 0x20
    NOTE_RESOURCEEND                  = 0x2000000
    NOTE_REVOKE                       = 0x40
    NOTE_SECONDS                      = 0x1
    NOTE_SIGNAL                       = 0x8000000
    NOTE_TRACK                        = 0x1
    NOTE_TRACKERR                     = 0x2
    NOTE_TRIGGER                      = 0x1000000
    NOTE_USECONDS                     = 0x2
    NOTE_VM_ERROR                     = 0x10000000
    NOTE_VM_PRESSURE                  = 0x80000000
    NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE        = 0x40000000
    NOTE_WRITE                        = 0x2
    OCRNL                             = 0x10
    OFDEL                             = 0x20000
    OFILL                             = 0x80
    ONLCR                             = 0x2
    ONLRET                            = 0x40
    ONOCR                             = 0x20
    ONOEOT                            = 0x8
    OPOST                             = 0x1
    O_ACCMODE                         = 0x3
    O_ALERT                           = 0x20000000
    O_APPEND                          = 0x8
    O_ASYNC                           = 0x40
    O_CLOEXEC                         = 0x1000000
    O_CREAT                           = 0x200
    O_DIRECTORY                       = 0x100000
    O_DSYNC                           = 0x400000
    O_EVTONLY                         = 0x8000
    O_EXCL                            = 0x800
    O_EXLOCK                          = 0x20
    O_FSYNC                           = 0x80
    O_NDELAY                          = 0x4
    O_NOCTTY                          = 0x20000
    O_NOFOLLOW                        = 0x100
    O_NONBLOCK                        = 0x4
    O_POPUP                           = 0x80000000
    O_RDONLY                          = 0x0
    O_RDWR                            = 0x2
    O_SHLOCK                          = 0x10
    O_SYMLINK                         = 0x200000
    O_SYNC                            = 0x80
    O_TRUNC                           = 0x400
    O_WRONLY                          = 0x1
    PARENB                            = 0x1000
    PARMRK                            = 0x8
    PARODD                            = 0x2000
    PENDIN                            = 0x20000000
    PRIO_PGRP                         = 0x1
    PRIO_PROCESS                      = 0x0
    PRIO_USER                         = 0x2
    PROT_EXEC                         = 0x4
    PROT_NONE                         = 0x0
    PROT_READ                         = 0x1
    PROT_WRITE                        = 0x2
    PT_ATTACH                         = 0xa
    PT_ATTACHEXC                      = 0xe
    PT_CONTINUE                       = 0x7
    PT_DENY_ATTACH                    = 0x1f
    PT_DETACH                         = 0xb
    PT_FIRSTMACH                      = 0x20
    PT_FORCEQUOTA                     = 0x1e
    PT_KILL                           = 0x8
    PT_READ_D                         = 0x2
    PT_READ_I                         = 0x1
    PT_READ_U                         = 0x3
    PT_SIGEXC                         = 0xc
    PT_STEP                           = 0x9
    PT_THUPDATE                       = 0xd
    PT_TRACE_ME                       = 0x0
    PT_WRITE_D                        = 0x5
    PT_WRITE_I                        = 0x4
    PT_WRITE_U                        = 0x6
    RLIMIT_AS                         = 0x5
    RLIMIT_CORE                       = 0x4
    RLIMIT_CPU                        = 0x0
    RLIMIT_DATA                       = 0x2
    RLIMIT_FSIZE                      = 0x1
    RLIMIT_NOFILE                     = 0x8
    RLIMIT_STACK                      = 0x3
    RLIM_INFINITY                     = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    RTAX_AUTHOR                       = 0x6
    RTAX_BRD                          = 0x7
    RTAX_DST                          = 0x0
    RTAX_GATEWAY                      = 0x1
    RTAX_GENMASK                      = 0x3
    RTAX_IFA                          = 0x5
    RTAX_IFP                          = 0x4
    RTAX_MAX                          = 0x8
    RTAX_NETMASK                      = 0x2
    RTA_AUTHOR                        = 0x40
    RTA_BRD                           = 0x80
    RTA_DST                           = 0x1
    RTA_GATEWAY                       = 0x2
    RTA_GENMASK                       = 0x8
    RTA_IFA                           = 0x20
    RTA_IFP                           = 0x10
    RTA_NETMASK                       = 0x4
    RTF_BLACKHOLE                     = 0x1000
    RTF_BROADCAST                     = 0x400000
    RTF_CLONING                       = 0x100
    RTF_CONDEMNED                     = 0x2000000
    RTF_DELCLONE                      = 0x80
    RTF_DONE                          = 0x40
    RTF_DYNAMIC                       = 0x10
    RTF_GATEWAY                       = 0x2
    RTF_HOST                          = 0x4
    RTF_IFREF                         = 0x4000000
    RTF_IFSCOPE                       = 0x1000000
    RTF_LLINFO                        = 0x400
    RTF_LOCAL                         = 0x200000
    RTF_MODIFIED                      = 0x20
    RTF_MULTICAST                     = 0x800000
    RTF_PINNED                        = 0x100000
    RTF_PRCLONING                     = 0x10000
    RTF_PROTO1                        = 0x8000
    RTF_PROTO2                        = 0x4000
    RTF_PROTO3                        = 0x40000
    RTF_REJECT                        = 0x8
    RTF_STATIC                        = 0x800
    RTF_UP                            = 0x1
    RTF_WASCLONED                     = 0x20000
    RTF_XRESOLVE                      = 0x200
    RTM_ADD                           = 0x1
    RTM_CHANGE                        = 0x3
    RTM_DELADDR                       = 0xd
    RTM_DELETE                        = 0x2
    RTM_DELMADDR                      = 0x10
    RTM_GET                           = 0x4
    RTM_GET2                          = 0x14
    RTM_IFINFO                        = 0xe
    RTM_IFINFO2                       = 0x12
    RTM_LOCK                          = 0x8
    RTM_LOSING                        = 0x5
    RTM_MISS                          = 0x7
    RTM_NEWADDR                       = 0xc
    RTM_NEWMADDR                      = 0xf
    RTM_NEWMADDR2                     = 0x13
    RTM_OLDADD                        = 0x9
    RTM_OLDDEL                        = 0xa
    RTM_REDIRECT                      = 0x6
    RTM_RESOLVE                       = 0xb
    RTM_RTTUNIT                       = 0xf4240
    RTM_VERSION                       = 0x5
    RTV_EXPIRE                        = 0x4
    RTV_HOPCOUNT                      = 0x2
    RTV_MTU                           = 0x1
    RTV_RPIPE                         = 0x8
    RTV_RTT                           = 0x40
    RTV_RTTVAR                        = 0x80
    RTV_SPIPE                         = 0x10
    RTV_SSTHRESH                      = 0x20
    RUSAGE_CHILDREN                   = -0x1
    RUSAGE_SELF                       = 0x0
    SCM_CREDS                         = 0x3
    SCM_RIGHTS                        = 0x1
    SCM_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x2
    SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC           = 0x4
    SHUT_RD                           = 0x0
    SHUT_RDWR                         = 0x2
    SHUT_WR                           = 0x1
    SIOCADDMULTI                      = 0x80206931
    SIOCAIFADDR                       = 0x8040691a
    SIOCALIFADDR                      = 0x8118691d
    SIOCARPIPLL                       = 0xc0206928
    SIOCATMARK                        = 0x40047307
    SIOCAUTOADDR                      = 0xc0206926
    SIOCAUTONETMASK                   = 0x80206927
    SIOCDELMULTI                      = 0x80206932
    SIOCDIFADDR                       = 0x80206919
    SIOCDIFPHYADDR                    = 0x80206941
    SIOCDLIFADDR                      = 0x8118691f
    SIOCGDRVSPEC                      = 0xc028697b
    SIOCGETSGCNT                      = 0xc014721c
    SIOCGETVIFCNT                     = 0xc014721b
    SIOCGETVLAN                       = 0xc020697f
    SIOCGHIWAT                        = 0x40047301
    SIOCGIFADDR                       = 0xc0206921
    SIOCGIFALTMTU                     = 0xc0206948
    SIOCGIFASYNCMAP                   = 0xc020697c
    SIOCGIFBOND                       = 0xc0206947
    SIOCGIFBRDADDR                    = 0xc0206923
    SIOCGIFCAP                        = 0xc020695b
    SIOCGIFCONF                       = 0xc00c6924
    SIOCGIFDEVMTU                     = 0xc0206944
    SIOCGIFDSTADDR                    = 0xc0206922
    SIOCGIFFLAGS                      = 0xc0206911
    SIOCGIFGENERIC                    = 0xc020693a
    SIOCGIFKPI                        = 0xc0206987
    SIOCGIFMAC                        = 0xc0206982
    SIOCGIFMEDIA                      = 0xc02c6938
    SIOCGIFMETRIC                     = 0xc0206917
    SIOCGIFMTU                        = 0xc0206933
    SIOCGIFNETMASK                    = 0xc0206925
    SIOCGIFPDSTADDR                   = 0xc0206940
    SIOCGIFPHYS                       = 0xc0206935
    SIOCGIFPSRCADDR                   = 0xc020693f
    SIOCGIFSTATUS                     = 0xc331693d
    SIOCGIFVLAN                       = 0xc020697f
    SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS                  = 0xc0206988
    SIOCGLIFADDR                      = 0xc118691e
    SIOCGLIFPHYADDR                   = 0xc1186943
    SIOCGLOWAT                        = 0x40047303
    SIOCGPGRP                         = 0x40047309
    SIOCIFCREATE                      = 0xc0206978
    SIOCIFCREATE2                     = 0xc020697a
    SIOCIFDESTROY                     = 0x80206979
    SIOCRSLVMULTI                     = 0xc010693b
    SIOCSDRVSPEC                      = 0x8028697b
    SIOCSETVLAN                       = 0x8020697e
    SIOCSHIWAT                        = 0x80047300
    SIOCSIFADDR                       = 0x8020690c
    SIOCSIFALTMTU                     = 0x80206945
    SIOCSIFASYNCMAP                   = 0x8020697d
    SIOCSIFBOND                       = 0x80206946
    SIOCSIFBRDADDR                    = 0x80206913
    SIOCSIFCAP                        = 0x8020695a
    SIOCSIFDSTADDR                    = 0x8020690e
    SIOCSIFFLAGS                      = 0x80206910
    SIOCSIFGENERIC                    = 0x80206939
    SIOCSIFKPI                        = 0x80206986
    SIOCSIFLLADDR                     = 0x8020693c
    SIOCSIFMAC                        = 0x80206983
    SIOCSIFMEDIA                      = 0xc0206937
    SIOCSIFMETRIC                     = 0x80206918
    SIOCSIFMTU                        = 0x80206934
    SIOCSIFNETMASK                    = 0x80206916
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    SIOCSIFPHYS                       = 0x80206936
    SIOCSIFVLAN                       = 0x8020697e
    SIOCSLIFPHYADDR                   = 0x81186942
    SIOCSLOWAT                        = 0x80047302
    SIOCSPGRP                         = 0x80047308
    SOCK_DGRAM                        = 0x2
    SOCK_MAXADDRLEN                   = 0xff
    SOCK_RAW                          = 0x3
    SOCK_RDM                          = 0x4
    SOCK_SEQPACKET                    = 0x5
    SOCK_STREAM                       = 0x1
    SOL_SOCKET                        = 0xffff
    SOMAXCONN                         = 0x80
    SO_ACCEPTCONN                     = 0x2
    SO_BROADCAST                      = 0x20
    SO_DEBUG                          = 0x1
    SO_DONTROUTE                      = 0x10
    SO_DONTTRUNC                      = 0x2000
    SO_ERROR                          = 0x1007
    SO_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x8
    SO_LABEL                          = 0x1010
    SO_LINGER                         = 0x80
    SO_LINGER_SEC                     = 0x1080
    SO_NKE                            = 0x1021
    SO_NOADDRERR                      = 0x1023
    SO_NOSIGPIPE                      = 0x1022
    SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT                 = 0x1026
    SO_NP_EXTENSIONS                  = 0x1083
    SO_NREAD                          = 0x1020
    SO_NWRITE                         = 0x1024
    SO_OOBINLINE                      = 0x100
    SO_PEERLABEL                      = 0x1011
    SO_RANDOMPORT                     = 0x1082
    SO_RCVBUF                         = 0x1002
    SO_RCVLOWAT                       = 0x1004
    SO_RCVTIMEO                       = 0x1006
    SO_RESTRICTIONS                   = 0x1081
    SO_RESTRICT_DENYIN                = 0x1
    SO_RESTRICT_DENYOUT               = 0x2
    SO_RESTRICT_DENYSET               = 0x80000000
    SO_REUSEADDR                      = 0x4
    SO_REUSEPORT                      = 0x200
    SO_REUSESHAREUID                  = 0x1025
    SO_SNDBUF                         = 0x1001
    SO_SNDLOWAT                       = 0x1003
    SO_SNDTIMEO                       = 0x1005
    SO_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x400
    SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC            = 0x800
    SO_TYPE                           = 0x1008
    SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT                = 0x1027
    SO_USELOOPBACK                    = 0x40
    SO_WANTMORE                       = 0x4000
    SO_WANTOOBFLAG                    = 0x8000
    S_IEXEC                           = 0x40
    S_IFBLK                           = 0x6000
    S_IFCHR                           = 0x2000
    S_IFDIR                           = 0x4000
    S_IFIFO                           = 0x1000
    S_IFLNK                           = 0xa000
    S_IFMT                            = 0xf000
    S_IFREG                           = 0x8000
    S_IFSOCK                          = 0xc000
    S_IFWHT                           = 0xe000
    S_IREAD                           = 0x100
    S_IRGRP                           = 0x20
    S_IROTH                           = 0x4
    S_IRUSR                           = 0x100
    S_IRWXG                           = 0x38
    S_IRWXO                           = 0x7
    S_IRWXU                           = 0x1c0
    S_ISGID                           = 0x400
    S_ISTXT                           = 0x200
    S_ISUID                           = 0x800
    S_ISVTX                           = 0x200
    S_IWGRP                           = 0x10
    S_IWOTH                           = 0x2
    S_IWRITE                          = 0x80
    S_IWUSR                           = 0x80
    S_IXGRP                           = 0x8
    S_IXOTH                           = 0x1
    S_IXUSR                           = 0x40
    TCIFLUSH                          = 0x1
    TCIOFLUSH                         = 0x3
    TCOFLUSH                          = 0x2
    TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT             = 0x20
    TCP_KEEPALIVE                     = 0x10
    TCP_MAXHLEN                       = 0x3c
    TCP_MAXOLEN                       = 0x28
    TCP_MAXSEG                        = 0x2
    TCP_MAXWIN                        = 0xffff
    TCP_MAX_SACK                      = 0x3
    TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                  = 0xe
    TCP_MINMSS                        = 0xd8
    TCP_MINMSSOVERLOAD                = 0x3e8
    TCP_MSS                           = 0x200
    TCP_NODELAY                       = 0x1
    TCP_NOOPT                         = 0x8
    TCP_NOPUSH                        = 0x4
    TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME              = 0x80
    TCP_RXT_FINDROP                   = 0x100
    TCSAFLUSH                         = 0x2
    TIOCCBRK                          = 0x2000747a
    TIOCCDTR                          = 0x20007478
    TIOCCONS                          = 0x80047462
    TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP                  = 0x40107458
    TIOCDRAIN                         = 0x2000745e
    TIOCDSIMICROCODE                  = 0x20007455
    TIOCEXCL                          = 0x2000740d
    TIOCEXT                           = 0x80047460
    TIOCFLUSH                         = 0x80047410
    TIOCGDRAINWAIT                    = 0x40047456
    TIOCGETA                          = 0x40487413
    TIOCGETD                          = 0x4004741a
    TIOCGPGRP                         = 0x40047477
    TIOCGWINSZ                        = 0x40087468
    TIOCIXOFF                         = 0x20007480
    TIOCIXON                          = 0x20007481
    TIOCMBIC                          = 0x8004746b
    TIOCMBIS                          = 0x8004746c
    TIOCMGDTRWAIT                     = 0x4004745a
    TIOCMGET                          = 0x4004746a
    TIOCMODG                          = 0x40047403
    TIOCMODS                          = 0x80047404
    TIOCMSDTRWAIT                     = 0x8004745b
    TIOCMSET                          = 0x8004746d
    TIOCM_CAR                         = 0x40
    TIOCM_CD                          = 0x40
    TIOCM_CTS                         = 0x20
    TIOCM_DSR                         = 0x100
    TIOCM_DTR                         = 0x2
    TIOCM_LE                          = 0x1
    TIOCM_RI                          = 0x80
    TIOCM_RNG                         = 0x80
    TIOCM_RTS                         = 0x4
    TIOCM_SR                          = 0x10
    TIOCM_ST                          = 0x8
    TIOCNOTTY                         = 0x20007471
    TIOCNXCL                          = 0x2000740e
    TIOCOUTQ                          = 0x40047473
    TIOCPKT                           = 0x80047470
    TIOCPKT_DATA                      = 0x0
    TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                    = 0x20
    TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                 = 0x1
    TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                = 0x2
    TIOCPKT_IOCTL                     = 0x40
    TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                    = 0x10
    TIOCPKT_START                     = 0x8
    TIOCPKT_STOP                      = 0x4
    TIOCPTYGNAME                      = 0x40807453
    TIOCPTYGRANT                      = 0x20007454
    TIOCPTYUNLK                       = 0x20007452
    TIOCREMOTE                        = 0x80047469
    TIOCSBRK                          = 0x2000747b
    TIOCSCONS                         = 0x20007463
    TIOCSCTTY                         = 0x20007461
    TIOCSDRAINWAIT                    = 0x80047457
    TIOCSDTR                          = 0x20007479
    TIOCSETA                          = 0x80487414
    TIOCSETAF                         = 0x80487416
    TIOCSETAW                         = 0x80487415
    TIOCSETD                          = 0x8004741b
    TIOCSIG                           = 0x2000745f
    TIOCSPGRP                         = 0x80047476
    TIOCSTART                         = 0x2000746e
    TIOCSTAT                          = 0x20007465
    TIOCSTI                           = 0x80017472
    TIOCSTOP                          = 0x2000746f
    TIOCSWINSZ                        = 0x80087467
    TIOCTIMESTAMP                     = 0x40107459
    TIOCUCNTL                         = 0x80047466
    TOSTOP                            = 0x400000
    VDISCARD                          = 0xf
    VDSUSP                            = 0xb
    VEOF                              = 0x0
    VEOL                              = 0x1
    VEOL2                             = 0x2
    VERASE                            = 0x3
    VINTR                             = 0x8
    VKILL                             = 0x5
    VLNEXT                            = 0xe
    VMIN                              = 0x10
    VQUIT                             = 0x9
    VREPRINT                          = 0x6
    VSTART                            = 0xc
    VSTATUS                           = 0x12
    VSTOP                             = 0xd
    VSUSP                             = 0xa
    VT0                               = 0x0
    VT1                               = 0x10000
    VTDLY                             = 0x10000
    VTIME                             = 0x11
    VWERASE                           = 0x4
    WCONTINUED                        = 0x10
    WCOREFLAG                         = 0x80
    WEXITED                           = 0x4
    WNOHANG                           = 0x1
    WNOWAIT                           = 0x20
    WORDSIZE                          = 0x40
    WSTOPPED                          = 0x8
    WUNTRACED                         = 0x2


const (
    E2BIG           = Errno(0x7)
    EACCES          = Errno(0xd)
    EADDRINUSE      = Errno(0x30)
    EADDRNOTAVAIL   = Errno(0x31)
    EAFNOSUPPORT    = Errno(0x2f)
    EAGAIN          = Errno(0x23)
    EALREADY        = Errno(0x25)
    EAUTH           = Errno(0x50)
    EBADARCH        = Errno(0x56)
    EBADEXEC        = Errno(0x55)
    EBADF           = Errno(0x9)
    EBADMACHO       = Errno(0x58)
    EBADMSG         = Errno(0x5e)
    EBADRPC         = Errno(0x48)
    EBUSY           = Errno(0x10)
    ECANCELED       = Errno(0x59)
    ECHILD          = Errno(0xa)
    ECONNABORTED    = Errno(0x35)
    ECONNREFUSED    = Errno(0x3d)
    ECONNRESET      = Errno(0x36)
    EDEADLK         = Errno(0xb)
    EDESTADDRREQ    = Errno(0x27)
    EDEVERR         = Errno(0x53)
    EDOM            = Errno(0x21)
    EDQUOT          = Errno(0x45)
    EEXIST          = Errno(0x11)
    EFAULT          = Errno(0xe)
    EFBIG           = Errno(0x1b)
    EFTYPE          = Errno(0x4f)
    EHOSTDOWN       = Errno(0x40)
    EHOSTUNREACH    = Errno(0x41)
    EIDRM           = Errno(0x5a)
    EILSEQ          = Errno(0x5c)
    EINPROGRESS     = Errno(0x24)
    EINTR           = Errno(0x4)
    EINVAL          = Errno(0x16)
    EIO             = Errno(0x5)
    EISCONN         = Errno(0x38)
    EISDIR          = Errno(0x15)
    ELAST           = Errno(0x69)
    ELOOP           = Errno(0x3e)
    EMFILE          = Errno(0x18)
    EMLINK          = Errno(0x1f)
    EMSGSIZE        = Errno(0x28)
    EMULTIHOP       = Errno(0x5f)
    ENAMETOOLONG    = Errno(0x3f)
    ENEEDAUTH       = Errno(0x51)
    ENETDOWN        = Errno(0x32)
    ENETRESET       = Errno(0x34)
    ENETUNREACH     = Errno(0x33)
    ENFILE          = Errno(0x17)
    ENOATTR         = Errno(0x5d)
    ENOBUFS         = Errno(0x37)
    ENODATA         = Errno(0x60)
    ENODEV          = Errno(0x13)
    ENOENT          = Errno(0x2)
    ENOEXEC         = Errno(0x8)
    ENOLCK          = Errno(0x4d)
    ENOLINK         = Errno(0x61)
    ENOMEM          = Errno(0xc)
    ENOMSG          = Errno(0x5b)
    ENOPOLICY       = Errno(0x67)
    ENOPROTOOPT     = Errno(0x2a)
    ENOSPC          = Errno(0x1c)
    ENOSR           = Errno(0x62)
    ENOSTR          = Errno(0x63)
    ENOSYS          = Errno(0x4e)
    ENOTBLK         = Errno(0xf)
    ENOTCONN        = Errno(0x39)
    ENOTDIR         = Errno(0x14)
    ENOTEMPTY       = Errno(0x42)
    ENOTRECOVERABLE = Errno(0x68)
    ENOTSOCK        = Errno(0x26)
    ENOTSUP         = Errno(0x2d)
    ENOTTY          = Errno(0x19)
    ENXIO           = Errno(0x6)
    EOPNOTSUPP      = Errno(0x66)
    EOVERFLOW       = Errno(0x54)
    EOWNERDEAD      = Errno(0x69)
    EPERM           = Errno(0x1)
    EPFNOSUPPORT    = Errno(0x2e)
    EPIPE           = Errno(0x20)
    EPROCLIM        = Errno(0x43)
    EPROCUNAVAIL    = Errno(0x4c)
    EPROGMISMATCH   = Errno(0x4b)
    EPROGUNAVAIL    = Errno(0x4a)
    EPROTO          = Errno(0x64)
    EPROTONOSUPPORT = Errno(0x2b)
    EPROTOTYPE      = Errno(0x29)
    EPWROFF         = Errno(0x52)
    ERANGE          = Errno(0x22)
    EREMOTE         = Errno(0x47)
    EROFS           = Errno(0x1e)
    ERPCMISMATCH    = Errno(0x49)
    ESHLIBVERS      = Errno(0x57)
    ESHUTDOWN       = Errno(0x3a)
    ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = Errno(0x2c)
    ESPIPE          = Errno(0x1d)
    ESRCH           = Errno(0x3)
    ESTALE          = Errno(0x46)
    ETIME           = Errno(0x65)
    ETIMEDOUT       = Errno(0x3c)
    ETOOMANYREFS    = Errno(0x3b)
    ETXTBSY         = Errno(0x1a)
    EUSERS          = Errno(0x44)
    EWOULDBLOCK     = Errno(0x23)
    EXDEV           = Errno(0x12)


const (
    SIGABRT   = Signal(0x6)
    SIGALRM   = Signal(0xe)
    SIGBUS    = Signal(0xa)
    SIGCHLD   = Signal(0x14)
    SIGCONT   = Signal(0x13)
    SIGEMT    = Signal(0x7)
    SIGFPE    = Signal(0x8)
    SIGHUP    = Signal(0x1)
    SIGILL    = Signal(0x4)
    SIGINFO   = Signal(0x1d)
    SIGINT    = Signal(0x2)
    SIGIO     = Signal(0x17)
    SIGIOT    = Signal(0x6)
    SIGKILL   = Signal(0x9)
    SIGPIPE   = Signal(0xd)
    SIGPROF   = Signal(0x1b)
    SIGQUIT   = Signal(0x3)
    SIGSEGV   = Signal(0xb)
    SIGSTOP   = Signal(0x11)
    SIGSYS    = Signal(0xc)
    SIGTERM   = Signal(0xf)
    SIGTRAP   = Signal(0x5)
    SIGTSTP   = Signal(0x12)
    SIGTTIN   = Signal(0x15)
    SIGTTOU   = Signal(0x16)
    SIGURG    = Signal(0x10)
    SIGUSR1   = Signal(0x1e)
    SIGUSR2   = Signal(0x1f)
    SIGVTALRM = Signal(0x1a)
    SIGWINCH  = Signal(0x1c)
    SIGXCPU   = Signal(0x18)
    SIGXFSZ   = Signal(0x19)
const (
    SYS_SYSCALL                        = 0
    SYS_EXIT                           = 1
    SYS_FORK                           = 2
    SYS_READ                           = 3
    SYS_WRITE                          = 4
    SYS_OPEN                           = 5
    SYS_CLOSE                          = 6
    SYS_WAIT4                          = 7
    SYS_LINK                           = 9
    SYS_UNLINK                         = 10
    SYS_CHDIR                          = 12
    SYS_FCHDIR                         = 13
    SYS_MKNOD                          = 14
    SYS_CHMOD                          = 15
    SYS_CHOWN                          = 16
    SYS_GETFSSTAT                      = 18
    SYS_GETPID                         = 20
    SYS_SETUID                         = 23
    SYS_GETUID                         = 24
    SYS_GETEUID                        = 25
    SYS_PTRACE                         = 26
    SYS_RECVMSG                        = 27
    SYS_SENDMSG                        = 28
    SYS_RECVFROM                       = 29
    SYS_ACCEPT                         = 30
    SYS_GETPEERNAME                    = 31
    SYS_GETSOCKNAME                    = 32
    SYS_ACCESS                         = 33
    SYS_CHFLAGS                        = 34
    SYS_FCHFLAGS                       = 35
    SYS_SYNC                           = 36
    SYS_KILL                           = 37
    SYS_GETPPID                        = 39
    SYS_DUP                            = 41
    SYS_PIPE                           = 42
    SYS_GETEGID                        = 43
    SYS_PROFIL                         = 44
    SYS_SIGACTION                      = 46
    SYS_GETGID                         = 47
    SYS_SIGPROCMASK                    = 48
    SYS_GETLOGIN                       = 49
    SYS_SETLOGIN                       = 50
    SYS_ACCT                           = 51
    SYS_SIGPENDING                     = 52
    SYS_SIGALTSTACK                    = 53
    SYS_IOCTL                          = 54
    SYS_REBOOT                         = 55
    SYS_REVOKE                         = 56
    SYS_SYMLINK                        = 57
    SYS_READLINK                       = 58
    SYS_EXECVE                         = 59
    SYS_UMASK                          = 60
    SYS_CHROOT                         = 61
    SYS_MSYNC                          = 65
    SYS_VFORK                          = 66
    SYS_MUNMAP                         = 73
    SYS_MPROTECT                       = 74
    SYS_MADVISE                        = 75
    SYS_MINCORE                        = 78
    SYS_GETGROUPS                      = 79
    SYS_SETGROUPS                      = 80
    SYS_GETPGRP                        = 81
    SYS_SETPGID                        = 82
    SYS_SETITIMER                      = 83
    SYS_SWAPON                         = 85
    SYS_GETITIMER                      = 86
    SYS_GETDTABLESIZE                  = 89
    SYS_DUP2                           = 90
    SYS_FCNTL                          = 92
    SYS_SELECT                         = 93
    SYS_FSYNC                          = 95
    SYS_SETPRIORITY                    = 96
    SYS_SOCKET                         = 97
    SYS_CONNECT                        = 98
    SYS_GETPRIORITY                    = 100
    SYS_BIND                           = 104
    SYS_SETSOCKOPT                     = 105
    SYS_LISTEN                         = 106
    SYS_SIGSUSPEND                     = 111
    SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY                   = 116
    SYS_GETRUSAGE                      = 117
    SYS_GETSOCKOPT                     = 118
    SYS_READV                          = 120
    SYS_WRITEV                         = 121
    SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY                   = 122
    SYS_FCHOWN                         = 123
    SYS_FCHMOD                         = 124
    SYS_SETREUID                       = 126
    SYS_SETREGID                       = 127
    SYS_RENAME                         = 128
    SYS_FLOCK                          = 131
    SYS_MKFIFO                         = 132
    SYS_SENDTO                         = 133
    SYS_SHUTDOWN                       = 134
    SYS_SOCKETPAIR                     = 135
    SYS_MKDIR                          = 136
    SYS_RMDIR                          = 137
    SYS_UTIMES                         = 138
    SYS_FUTIMES                        = 139
    SYS_ADJTIME                        = 140
    SYS_GETHOSTUUID                    = 142
    SYS_SETSID                         = 147
    SYS_GETPGID                        = 151
    SYS_SETPRIVEXEC                    = 152
    SYS_PREAD                          = 153
    SYS_PWRITE                         = 154
    SYS_NFSSVC                         = 155
    SYS_STATFS                         = 157
    SYS_FSTATFS                        = 158
    SYS_UNMOUNT                        = 159
    SYS_GETFH                          = 161
    SYS_QUOTACTL                       = 165
    SYS_MOUNT                          = 167
    SYS_CSOPS                          = 169
    SYS_WAITID                         = 173
    SYS_ADD_PROFIL                     = 176
    SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE                   = 180
    SYS_SETGID                         = 181
    SYS_SETEGID                        = 182
    SYS_SETEUID                        = 183
    SYS_SIGRETURN                      = 184
    SYS_CHUD                           = 185
    SYS_FDATASYNC                      = 187
    SYS_STAT                           = 188
    SYS_FSTAT                          = 189
    SYS_LSTAT                          = 190
    SYS_PATHCONF                       = 191
    SYS_FPATHCONF                      = 192
    SYS_GETRLIMIT                      = 194
    SYS_SETRLIMIT                      = 195
    SYS_GETDIRENTRIES                  = 196
    SYS_MMAP                           = 197
    SYS_LSEEK                          = 199
    SYS_TRUNCATE                       = 200
    SYS_FTRUNCATE                      = 201
    SYS___SYSCTL                       = 202
    SYS_MLOCK                          = 203
    SYS_MUNLOCK                        = 204
    SYS_UNDELETE                       = 205
    SYS_ATSOCKET                       = 206
    SYS_ATGETMSG                       = 207
    SYS_ATPUTMSG                       = 208
    SYS_ATPSNDREQ                      = 209
    SYS_ATPSNDRSP                      = 210
    SYS_ATPGETREQ                      = 211
    SYS_ATPGETRSP                      = 212
    SYS_MKCOMPLEX                      = 216
    SYS_STATV                          = 217
    SYS_LSTATV                         = 218
    SYS_FSTATV                         = 219
    SYS_GETATTRLIST                    = 220
    SYS_SETATTRLIST                    = 221
    SYS_GETDIRENTRIESATTR              = 222
    SYS_EXCHANGEDATA                   = 223
    SYS_SEARCHFS                       = 225
    SYS_DELETE                         = 226
    SYS_COPYFILE                       = 227
    SYS_FGETATTRLIST                   = 228
    SYS_FSETATTRLIST                   = 229
    SYS_POLL                           = 230
    SYS_WATCHEVENT                     = 231
    SYS_WAITEVENT                      = 232
    SYS_MODWATCH                       = 233
    SYS_GETXATTR                       = 234
    SYS_FGETXATTR                      = 235
    SYS_SETXATTR                       = 236
    SYS_FSETXATTR                      = 237
    SYS_REMOVEXATTR                    = 238
    SYS_FREMOVEXATTR                   = 239
    SYS_LISTXATTR                      = 240
    SYS_FLISTXATTR                     = 241
    SYS_FSCTL                          = 242
    SYS_INITGROUPS                     = 243
    SYS_POSIX_SPAWN                    = 244
    SYS_FFSCTL                         = 245
    SYS_NFSCLNT                        = 247
    SYS_FHOPEN                         = 248
    SYS_MINHERIT                       = 250
    SYS_SEMSYS                         = 251
    SYS_MSGSYS                         = 252
    SYS_SHMSYS                         = 253
    SYS_SEMCTL                         = 254
    SYS_SEMGET                         = 255
    SYS_SEMOP                          = 256
    SYS_MSGCTL                         = 258
    SYS_MSGGET                         = 259
    SYS_MSGSND                         = 260
    SYS_MSGRCV                         = 261
    SYS_SHMAT                          = 262
    SYS_SHMCTL                         = 263
    SYS_SHMDT                          = 264
    SYS_SHMGET                         = 265
    SYS_SHM_OPEN                       = 266
    SYS_SHM_UNLINK                     = 267
    SYS_SEM_OPEN                       = 268
    SYS_SEM_CLOSE                      = 269
    SYS_SEM_UNLINK                     = 270
    SYS_SEM_WAIT                       = 271
    SYS_SEM_TRYWAIT                    = 272
    SYS_SEM_POST                       = 273
    SYS_SEM_GETVALUE                   = 274
    SYS_SEM_INIT                       = 275
    SYS_SEM_DESTROY                    = 276
    SYS_OPEN_EXTENDED                  = 277
    SYS_UMASK_EXTENDED                 = 278
    SYS_STAT_EXTENDED                  = 279
    SYS_LSTAT_EXTENDED                 = 280
    SYS_FSTAT_EXTENDED                 = 281
    SYS_CHMOD_EXTENDED                 = 282
    SYS_FCHMOD_EXTENDED                = 283
    SYS_ACCESS_EXTENDED                = 284
    SYS_SETTID                         = 285
    SYS_GETTID                         = 286
    SYS_SETSGROUPS                     = 287
    SYS_GETSGROUPS                     = 288
    SYS_SETWGROUPS                     = 289
    SYS_GETWGROUPS                     = 290
    SYS_MKFIFO_EXTENDED                = 291
    SYS_MKDIR_EXTENDED                 = 292
    SYS_IDENTITYSVC                    = 293
    SYS_SHARED_REGION_CHECK_NP         = 294
    SYS_VM_PRESSURE_MONITOR            = 296
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_LONGRDLOCK           = 297
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_YIELDWRLOCK          = 298
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_DOWNGRADE            = 299
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UPGRADE              = 300
    SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXWAIT               = 301
    SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXDROP               = 302
    SYS_PSYNCH_CVBROAD                 = 303
    SYS_PSYNCH_CVSIGNAL                = 304
    SYS_PSYNCH_CVWAIT                  = 305
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_RDLOCK               = 306
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_WRLOCK               = 307
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK               = 308
    SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK2              = 309
    SYS_GETSID                         = 310
    SYS_SETTID_WITH_PID                = 311
    SYS_PSYNCH_CVCLRPREPOST            = 312
    SYS_AIO_FSYNC                      = 313
    SYS_AIO_RETURN                     = 314
    SYS_AIO_SUSPEND                    = 315
    SYS_AIO_CANCEL                     = 316
    SYS_AIO_ERROR                      = 317
    SYS_AIO_READ                       = 318
    SYS_AIO_WRITE                      = 319
    SYS_LIO_LISTIO                     = 320
    SYS_IOPOLICYSYS                    = 322
    SYS_PROCESS_POLICY                 = 323
    SYS_MLOCKALL                       = 324
    SYS_MUNLOCKALL                     = 325
    SYS_ISSETUGID                      = 327
    SYS___PTHREAD_KILL                 = 328
    SYS___PTHREAD_SIGMASK              = 329
    SYS___SIGWAIT                      = 330
    SYS___DISABLE_THREADSIGNAL         = 331
    SYS___PTHREAD_MARKCANCEL           = 332
    SYS___PTHREAD_CANCELED             = 333
    SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL               = 334
    SYS_PROC_INFO                      = 336
    SYS_SENDFILE                       = 337
    SYS_STAT64                         = 338
    SYS_FSTAT64                        = 339
    SYS_LSTAT64                        = 340
    SYS_STAT64_EXTENDED                = 341
    SYS_LSTAT64_EXTENDED               = 342
    SYS_FSTAT64_EXTENDED               = 343
    SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64                = 344
    SYS_STATFS64                       = 345
    SYS_FSTATFS64                      = 346
    SYS_GETFSSTAT64                    = 347
    SYS___PTHREAD_CHDIR                = 348
    SYS___PTHREAD_FCHDIR               = 349
    SYS_AUDIT                          = 350
    SYS_AUDITON                        = 351
    SYS_GETAUID                        = 353
    SYS_SETAUID                        = 354
    SYS_GETAUDIT                       = 355
    SYS_SETAUDIT                       = 356
    SYS_GETAUDIT_ADDR                  = 357
    SYS_SETAUDIT_ADDR                  = 358
    SYS_AUDITCTL                       = 359
    SYS_BSDTHREAD_CREATE               = 360
    SYS_BSDTHREAD_TERMINATE            = 361
    SYS_KQUEUE                         = 362
    SYS_KEVENT                         = 363
    SYS_LCHOWN                         = 364
    SYS_STACK_SNAPSHOT                 = 365
    SYS_BSDTHREAD_REGISTER             = 366
    SYS_WORKQ_OPEN                     = 367
    SYS_WORKQ_KERNRETURN               = 368
    SYS_KEVENT64                       = 369
    SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL           = 370
    SYS_THREAD_SELFID                  = 372
    SYS___MAC_EXECVE                   = 380
    SYS___MAC_SYSCALL                  = 381
    SYS___MAC_GET_FILE                 = 382
    SYS___MAC_SET_FILE                 = 383
    SYS___MAC_GET_LINK                 = 384
    SYS___MAC_SET_LINK                 = 385
    SYS___MAC_GET_PROC                 = 386
    SYS___MAC_SET_PROC                 = 387
    SYS___MAC_GET_FD                   = 388
    SYS___MAC_SET_FD                   = 389
    SYS___MAC_GET_PID                  = 390
    SYS___MAC_GET_LCID                 = 391
    SYS___MAC_GET_LCTX                 = 392
    SYS___MAC_SET_LCTX                 = 393
    SYS_SETLCID                        = 394
    SYS_GETLCID                        = 395
    SYS_READ_NOCANCEL                  = 396
    SYS_WRITE_NOCANCEL                 = 397
    SYS_OPEN_NOCANCEL                  = 398
    SYS_CLOSE_NOCANCEL                 = 399
    SYS_WAIT4_NOCANCEL                 = 400
    SYS_RECVMSG_NOCANCEL               = 401
    SYS_SENDMSG_NOCANCEL               = 402
    SYS_RECVFROM_NOCANCEL              = 403
    SYS_ACCEPT_NOCANCEL                = 404
    SYS_MSYNC_NOCANCEL                 = 405
    SYS_FCNTL_NOCANCEL                 = 406
    SYS_SELECT_NOCANCEL                = 407
    SYS_FSYNC_NOCANCEL                 = 408
    SYS_CONNECT_NOCANCEL               = 409
    SYS_SIGSUSPEND_NOCANCEL            = 410
    SYS_READV_NOCANCEL                 = 411
    SYS_WRITEV_NOCANCEL                = 412
    SYS_SENDTO_NOCANCEL                = 413
    SYS_PREAD_NOCANCEL                 = 414
    SYS_PWRITE_NOCANCEL                = 415
    SYS_WAITID_NOCANCEL                = 416
    SYS_POLL_NOCANCEL                  = 417
    SYS_MSGSND_NOCANCEL                = 418
    SYS_MSGRCV_NOCANCEL                = 419
    SYS_SEM_WAIT_NOCANCEL              = 420
    SYS_AIO_SUSPEND_NOCANCEL           = 421
    SYS___SIGWAIT_NOCANCEL             = 422
    SYS___MAC_MOUNT                    = 424
    SYS___MAC_GET_MOUNT                = 425
    SYS___MAC_GETFSSTAT                = 426
    SYS_FSGETPATH                      = 427
    SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_SELF             = 428
    SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_JOIN             = 429
    SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEPORT              = 430
    SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEFD                = 431
    SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_PORT             = 432
    SYS_PID_SUSPEND                    = 433
    SYS_PID_RESUME                     = 434
    SYS_PID_HIBERNATE                  = 435
    SYS_PID_SHUTDOWN_SOCKETS           = 436
    SYS_MAXSYSCALL                     = 439
const (
    SizeofSockaddrInet4    = 0x10
    SizeofSockaddrInet6    = 0x1c
    SizeofSockaddrAny      = 0x6c
    SizeofSockaddrUnix     = 0x6a
    SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14
    SizeofLinger           = 0x8
    SizeofIPMreq           = 0x8
    SizeofIPv6Mreq         = 0x14
    SizeofMsghdr           = 0x30
    SizeofCmsghdr          = 0xc
    SizeofInet4Pktinfo     = 0xc
    SizeofInet6Pktinfo     = 0x14
    SizeofIPv6MTUInfo      = 0x20
    SizeofICMPv6Filter     = 0x20
const (
    PTRACE_CONT    = 0x7
    PTRACE_KILL    = 0x8
const (
    SizeofIfMsghdr    = 0x70
    SizeofIfData      = 0x60
    SizeofIfaMsghdr   = 0x14
    SizeofIfmaMsghdr  = 0x10
    SizeofIfmaMsghdr2 = 0x14
    SizeofRtMsghdr    = 0x5c
    SizeofRtMetrics   = 0x38
const (
    SizeofBpfVersion = 0x4
    SizeofBpfStat    = 0x8
    SizeofBpfProgram = 0x10
    SizeofBpfInsn    = 0x8
    SizeofBpfHdr     = 0x14
const ImplementsGetwd = true


var (
    Stdin  = 0
    Stdout = 1
    Stderr = 2
var ForkLock sync.RWMutex

For testing: clients can set this flag to force creation of IPv6 sockets to return EAFNOSUPPORT.

var SocketDisableIPv6 bool

func Access

func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error)

func Adjtime

func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error)

func Bind

func Bind(fd int, sa Sockaddr) (err error)

func BpfBuflen

func BpfBuflen(fd int) (int, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func BpfDatalink

func BpfDatalink(fd int) (int, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func BpfHeadercmpl

func BpfHeadercmpl(fd int) (int, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func BpfInterface

func BpfInterface(fd int, name string) (string, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func BytePtrFromString 1.1

func BytePtrFromString(s string) (*byte, error)

BytePtrFromString returns a pointer to a NUL-terminated array of bytes containing the text of s. If s contains a NUL byte at any location, it returns (nil, EINVAL).

func ByteSliceFromString 1.1

func ByteSliceFromString(s string) ([]byte, error)

ByteSliceFromString returns a NUL-terminated slice of bytes containing the text of s. If s contains a NUL byte at any location, it returns (nil, EINVAL).

func Chdir

func Chdir(path string) (err error)

func CheckBpfVersion

func CheckBpfVersion(fd int) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func Chflags

func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error)

func Chmod

func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error)

func Chown

func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error)

func Chroot

func Chroot(path string) (err error)

func Clearenv

func Clearenv()

func Close

func Close(fd int) (err error)

func CloseOnExec

func CloseOnExec(fd int)

func CmsgLen

func CmsgLen(datalen int) int

CmsgLen returns the value to store in the Len field of the Cmsghdr structure, taking into account any necessary alignment.

func CmsgSpace

func CmsgSpace(datalen int) int

CmsgSpace returns the number of bytes an ancillary element with payload of the passed data length occupies.

func Connect

func Connect(fd int, sa Sockaddr) (err error)

func Dup

func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error)

func Dup2

func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error)

func Environ

func Environ() []string

func Exchangedata

func Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error)

func Exec

func Exec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) (err error)

Exec invokes the execve(2) system call.

func Exit

func Exit(code int)

func Fchdir

func Fchdir(fd int) (err error)

func Fchflags

func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error)

func Fchmod

func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error)

func Fchown

func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error)

func FcntlFlock

func FcntlFlock(fd uintptr, cmd int, lk *Flock_t) error

FcntlFlock performs a fcntl syscall for the F_GETLK, F_SETLK or F_SETLKW command.

func Flock

func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error)

func FlushBpf

func FlushBpf(fd int) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func ForkExec

func ForkExec(argv0 string, argv []string, attr *ProcAttr) (pid int, err error)

Combination of fork and exec, careful to be thread safe.

func Fpathconf

func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error)

func Fstat

func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error)

func Fstatfs

func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error)

func Fsync

func Fsync(fd int) (err error)

func Ftruncate

func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error)

func Futimes

func Futimes(fd int, tv []Timeval) (err error)

func Getdirentries

func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error)

func Getdtablesize

func Getdtablesize() (size int)

func Getegid

func Getegid() (egid int)

func Getenv

func Getenv(key string) (value string, found bool)

func Geteuid

func Geteuid() (uid int)

func Getfsstat

func Getfsstat(buf []Statfs_t, flags int) (n int, err error)

func Getgid

func Getgid() (gid int)

func Getgroups

func Getgroups() (gids []int, err error)

func Getpagesize

func Getpagesize() int

func Getpgid

func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error)

func Getpgrp

func Getpgrp() (pgrp int)

func Getpid

func Getpid() (pid int)

func Getppid

func Getppid() (ppid int)

func Getpriority

func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error)

func Getrlimit

func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error)

func Getrusage

func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error)

func Getsid

func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error)

func GetsockoptByte

func GetsockoptByte(fd, level, opt int) (value byte, err error)

func GetsockoptInet4Addr

func GetsockoptInet4Addr(fd, level, opt int) (value [4]byte, err error)

func GetsockoptInt

func GetsockoptInt(fd, level, opt int) (value int, err error)

func Gettimeofday

func Gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error)

func Getuid

func Getuid() (uid int)

func Getwd

func Getwd() (string, error)

func Issetugid

func Issetugid() (tainted bool)

func Kevent

func Kevent(kq int, changes, events []Kevent_t, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error)

func Kill

func Kill(pid int, signum Signal) (err error)

func Kqueue

func Kqueue() (fd int, err error)

func Lchown

func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error)

func Link

func Link(path string, link string) (err error)

func Listen

func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error)

func Lstat

func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)

func Mkdir

func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error)

func Mkfifo

func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error)

func Mknod

func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error)

func Mlock

func Mlock(b []byte) (err error)

func Mlockall

func Mlockall(flags int) (err error)

func Mmap

func Mmap(fd int, offset int64, length int, prot int, flags int) (data []byte, err error)

func Mprotect

func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error)

func Munlock

func Munlock(b []byte) (err error)

func Munlockall

func Munlockall() (err error)

func Munmap

func Munmap(b []byte) (err error)

func Open

func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error)

func ParseDirent

func ParseDirent(buf []byte, max int, names []string) (consumed int, count int, newnames []string)

ParseDirent parses up to max directory entries in buf, appending the names to names. It returns the number of bytes consumed from buf, the number of entries added to names, and the new names slice.

func ParseUnixRights

func ParseUnixRights(m *SocketControlMessage) ([]int, error)

ParseUnixRights decodes a socket control message that contains an integer array of open file descriptors from another process.

func Pathconf

func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error)

func Pipe

func Pipe(p []int) (err error)

func Pread

func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)

func PtraceAttach

func PtraceAttach(pid int) (err error)

func PtraceDetach

func PtraceDetach(pid int) (err error)

func Pwrite

func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)

func Read

func Read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error)

func ReadDirent

func ReadDirent(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error)

func Readlink

func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error)

func Rename

func Rename(from string, to string) (err error)

func Revoke

func Revoke(path string) (err error)

func Rmdir

func Rmdir(path string) (err error)

func RouteRIB

func RouteRIB(facility, param int) ([]byte, error)

RouteRIB returns routing information base, as known as RIB, which consists of network facility information, states and parameters.

Deprecated: Use instead.

func Seek

func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error)

func Select

func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)

func Sendfile

func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error)

func Sendmsg

func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error)

func SendmsgN

func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error)

func Sendto

func Sendto(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error)

func SetBpf

func SetBpf(fd int, i []BpfInsn) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfBuflen

func SetBpfBuflen(fd, l int) (int, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfDatalink

func SetBpfDatalink(fd, t int) (int, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfHeadercmpl

func SetBpfHeadercmpl(fd, f int) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfImmediate

func SetBpfImmediate(fd, m int) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfInterface

func SetBpfInterface(fd int, name string) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfPromisc

func SetBpfPromisc(fd, m int) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetBpfTimeout

func SetBpfTimeout(fd int, tv *Timeval) error

Deprecated: Use instead.

func SetKevent

func SetKevent(k *Kevent_t, fd, mode, flags int)

func SetNonblock

func SetNonblock(fd int, nonblocking bool) (err error)

func Setegid

func Setegid(egid int) (err error)

func Setenv

func Setenv(key, value string) error

func Seteuid

func Seteuid(euid int) (err error)

func Setgid

func Setgid(gid int) (err error)

func Setgroups

func Setgroups(gids []int) (err error)

func Setlogin

func Setlogin(name string) (err error)

func Setpgid

func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error)

func Setpriority

func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error)

func Setprivexec

func Setprivexec(flag int) (err error)

func Setregid

func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error)

func Setreuid

func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error)

func Setrlimit

func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error)

func Setsid

func Setsid() (pid int, err error)

func SetsockoptByte

func SetsockoptByte(fd, level, opt int, value byte) (err error)

func SetsockoptICMPv6Filter

func SetsockoptICMPv6Filter(fd, level, opt int, filter *ICMPv6Filter) error

func SetsockoptIPMreq

func SetsockoptIPMreq(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreq) (err error)

func SetsockoptIPv6Mreq

func SetsockoptIPv6Mreq(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPv6Mreq) (err error)

func SetsockoptInet4Addr

func SetsockoptInet4Addr(fd, level, opt int, value [4]byte) (err error)

func SetsockoptInt

func SetsockoptInt(fd, level, opt int, value int) (err error)

func SetsockoptLinger

func SetsockoptLinger(fd, level, opt int, l *Linger) (err error)

func SetsockoptString

func SetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int, s string) (err error)

func SetsockoptTimeval

func SetsockoptTimeval(fd, level, opt int, tv *Timeval) (err error)

func Settimeofday

func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error)

func Setuid

func Setuid(uid int) (err error)

func Shutdown

func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error)

func SlicePtrFromStrings

func SlicePtrFromStrings(ss []string) ([]*byte, error)

SlicePtrFromStrings converts a slice of strings to a slice of pointers to NUL-terminated byte arrays. If any string contains a NUL byte, it returns (nil, EINVAL).

func Socket

func Socket(domain, typ, proto int) (fd int, err error)

func Socketpair

func Socketpair(domain, typ, proto int) (fd [2]int, err error)

func StartProcess

func StartProcess(argv0 string, argv []string, attr *ProcAttr) (pid int, handle uintptr, err error)

StartProcess wraps ForkExec for package os.

func Stat

func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)

func Statfs

func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error)

func StringBytePtr

func StringBytePtr(s string) *byte

StringBytePtr returns a pointer to a NUL-terminated array of bytes. If s contains a NUL byte this function panics instead of returning an error.

Deprecated: Use BytePtrFromString instead.

func StringByteSlice

func StringByteSlice(s string) []byte

StringByteSlice converts a string to a NUL-terminated []byte, If s contains a NUL byte this function panics instead of returning an error.

Deprecated: Use ByteSliceFromString instead.

func StringSlicePtr

func StringSlicePtr(ss []string) []*byte

StringSlicePtr converts a slice of strings to a slice of pointers to NUL-terminated byte arrays. If any string contains a NUL byte this function panics instead of returning an error.

Deprecated: Use SlicePtrFromStrings instead.

func Symlink

func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error)

func Sync

func Sync() (err error)

func Sysctl

func Sysctl(name string) (value string, err error)

func SysctlUint32

func SysctlUint32(name string) (value uint32, err error)

func TimespecToNsec 1.1

func TimespecToNsec(ts Timespec) int64

TimespecToNSec returns the time stored in ts as nanoseconds.

func TimevalToNsec

func TimevalToNsec(tv Timeval) int64

TimevalToNsec returns the time stored in tv as nanoseconds.

func Truncate

func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error)

func Umask

func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int)

func Undelete

func Undelete(path string) (err error)

func UnixRights

func UnixRights(fds []byte

UnixRights encodes a set of open file descriptors into a socket control message for sending to another process.

func Unlink

func Unlink(path string) (err error)

func Unmount

func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error)

func Unsetenv 1.4

func Unsetenv(key string) error

func Utimes

func Utimes(path string, tv []Timeval) (err error)

func UtimesNano 1.1

func UtimesNano(path string, ts []Timespec) error

func Wait4

func Wait4(pid int, wstatus *WaitStatus, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error)

func Write

func Write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error)

type BpfHdr

type BpfHdr struct {
    Tstamp    Timeval32
    Caplen    uint32
    Datalen   uint32
    Hdrlen    uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte

type BpfInsn

type BpfInsn struct {
    Code uint16
    Jt   uint8
    Jf   uint8
    K    uint32

func BpfJump

func BpfJump(code, k, jt, jf int) *BpfInsn

Deprecated: Use instead.

func BpfStmt

func BpfStmt(code, k int) *BpfInsn

Deprecated: Use instead.

type BpfProgram

type BpfProgram struct {
    Len       uint32
    Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte
    Insns     *BpfInsn

type BpfStat

type BpfStat struct {
    Recv uint32
    Drop uint32

func BpfStats

func BpfStats(fd int) (*BpfStat, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

type BpfVersion

type BpfVersion struct {
    Major uint16
    Minor uint16

type Cmsghdr

type Cmsghdr struct {
    Len   uint32
    Level int32
    Type  int32

func (*Cmsghdr) SetLen

func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int)

type Conn 1.9

Conn is implemented by some types in the net and os packages to provide access to the underlying file descriptor or handle.

type Conn interface {
    // SyscallConn returns a raw network connection.
    SyscallConn() (RawConn, error)

type Credential

Credential holds user and group identities to be assumed by a child process started by StartProcess.

type Credential struct {
    Uid         uint32   // User ID.
    Gid         uint32   // Group ID.
    Groups      []uint32 // Supplementary group IDs.
    NoSetGroups bool     // If true, don't set supplementary groups

type Dirent

type Dirent struct {
    Ino       uint64
    Seekoff   uint64
    Reclen    uint16
    Namlen    uint16
    Type      uint8
    Name      [1024]int8
    Pad_cgo_0 [3]byte

type Errno

An Errno is an unsigned number describing an error condition. It implements the error interface. The zero Errno is by convention a non-error, so code to convert from Errno to error should use:

err = nil
if errno != 0 {
    err = errno

Errno values can be tested against error values from the os package using errors.Is. For example:

_, _, err := syscall.Syscall(...)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) ...
type Errno uintptr

func RawSyscall

func RawSyscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)

func RawSyscall6

func RawSyscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)

func Syscall

func Syscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)

func Syscall6

func Syscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)

func Syscall9

func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)

func (Errno) Error

func (e Errno) Error() string

func (Errno) Is 1.13

func (e Errno) Is(target error) bool

func (Errno) Temporary

func (e Errno) Temporary() bool

func (Errno) Timeout

func (e Errno) Timeout() bool

type Fbootstraptransfer_t

type Fbootstraptransfer_t struct {
    Offset int64
    Length uint64
    Buffer *byte

type FdSet

type FdSet struct {
    Bits [32]int32

type Flock_t

type Flock_t struct {
    Start  int64
    Len    int64
    Pid    int32
    Type   int16
    Whence int16

type Fsid

type Fsid struct {
    Val [2]int32

type Fstore_t

type Fstore_t struct {
    Flags      uint32
    Posmode    int32
    Offset     int64
    Length     int64
    Bytesalloc int64

type ICMPv6Filter

type ICMPv6Filter struct {
    Filt [8]uint32

func GetsockoptICMPv6Filter

func GetsockoptICMPv6Filter(fd, level, opt int) (*ICMPv6Filter, error)

type IPMreq

type IPMreq struct {
    Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */
    Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */

func GetsockoptIPMreq

func GetsockoptIPMreq(fd, level, opt int) (*IPMreq, error)

type IPv6MTUInfo

type IPv6MTUInfo struct {
    Addr RawSockaddrInet6
    Mtu  uint32

func GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo

func GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo(fd, level, opt int) (*IPv6MTUInfo, error)

type IPv6Mreq

type IPv6Mreq struct {
    Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */
    Interface uint32

func GetsockoptIPv6Mreq

func GetsockoptIPv6Mreq(fd, level, opt int) (*IPv6Mreq, error)

type IfData

type IfData struct {
    Type       uint8
    Typelen    uint8
    Physical   uint8
    Addrlen    uint8
    Hdrlen     uint8
    Recvquota  uint8
    Xmitquota  uint8
    Unused1    uint8
    Mtu        uint32
    Metric     uint32
    Baudrate   uint32
    Ipackets   uint32
    Ierrors    uint32
    Opackets   uint32
    Oerrors    uint32
    Collisions uint32
    Ibytes     uint32
    Obytes     uint32
    Imcasts    uint32
    Omcasts    uint32
    Iqdrops    uint32
    Noproto    uint32
    Recvtiming uint32
    Xmittiming uint32
    Lastchange Timeval32
    Unused2    uint32
    Hwassist   uint32
    Reserved1  uint32
    Reserved2  uint32

type IfMsghdr

type IfMsghdr struct {
    Msglen    uint16
    Version   uint8
    Type      uint8
    Addrs     int32
    Flags     int32
    Index     uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte
    Data      IfData

type IfaMsghdr

type IfaMsghdr struct {
    Msglen    uint16
    Version   uint8
    Type      uint8
    Addrs     int32
    Flags     int32
    Index     uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte
    Metric    int32

type IfmaMsghdr

type IfmaMsghdr struct {
    Msglen    uint16
    Version   uint8
    Type      uint8
    Addrs     int32
    Flags     int32
    Index     uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte

type IfmaMsghdr2

type IfmaMsghdr2 struct {
    Msglen    uint16
    Version   uint8
    Type      uint8
    Addrs     int32
    Flags     int32
    Index     uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte
    Refcount  int32

type Inet4Pktinfo

type Inet4Pktinfo struct {
    Ifindex  uint32
    Spec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */
    Addr     [4]byte /* in_addr */

type Inet6Pktinfo

type Inet6Pktinfo struct {
    Addr    [16]byte /* in6_addr */
    Ifindex uint32

type InterfaceAddrMessage

InterfaceAddrMessage represents a routing message containing network interface address entries.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type InterfaceAddrMessage struct {
    Header IfaMsghdr
    Data   []byte

type InterfaceMessage

InterfaceMessage represents a routing message containing network interface entries.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type InterfaceMessage struct {
    Header IfMsghdr
    Data   []byte

type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage

InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage represents a routing message containing network interface address entries.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage struct {
    Header IfmaMsghdr2
    Data   []byte

type Iovec

type Iovec struct {
    Base *byte
    Len  uint64

func (*Iovec) SetLen

func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int)

type Kevent_t

type Kevent_t struct {
    Ident  uint64
    Filter int16
    Flags  uint16
    Fflags uint32
    Data   int64
    Udata  *byte

type Linger

type Linger struct {
    Onoff  int32
    Linger int32

type Log2phys_t

type Log2phys_t struct {
    Flags       uint32
    Contigbytes int64
    Devoffset   int64

type Msghdr

type Msghdr struct {
    Name       *byte
    Namelen    uint32
    Pad_cgo_0  [4]byte
    Iov        *Iovec
    Iovlen     int32
    Pad_cgo_1  [4]byte
    Control    *byte
    Controllen uint32
    Flags      int32

func (*Msghdr) SetControllen

func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int)

type ProcAttr

ProcAttr holds attributes that will be applied to a new process started by StartProcess.

type ProcAttr struct {
    Dir   string    // Current working directory.
    Env   []string  // Environment.
    Files []uintptr // File descriptors.
    Sys   *SysProcAttr

type Radvisory_t

type Radvisory_t struct {
    Offset    int64
    Count     int32
    Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte

type RawConn 1.9

A RawConn is a raw network connection.

type RawConn interface {
    // Control invokes f on the underlying connection's file
    // descriptor or handle.
    // The file descriptor fd is guaranteed to remain valid while
    // f executes but not after f returns.
    Control(f func(fd uintptr)) error

    // Read invokes f on the underlying connection's file
    // descriptor or handle; f is expected to try to read from the
    // file descriptor.
    // If f returns true, Read returns. Otherwise Read blocks
    // waiting for the connection to be ready for reading and
    // tries again repeatedly.
    // The file descriptor is guaranteed to remain valid while f
    // executes but not after f returns.
    Read(f func(fd uintptr) (done bool)) error

    // Write is like Read but for writing.
    Write(f func(fd uintptr) (done bool)) error

type RawSockaddr

type RawSockaddr struct {
    Len    uint8
    Family uint8
    Data   [14]int8

type RawSockaddrAny

type RawSockaddrAny struct {
    Addr RawSockaddr
    Pad  [92]int8

type RawSockaddrDatalink

type RawSockaddrDatalink struct {
    Len    uint8
    Family uint8
    Index  uint16
    Type   uint8
    Nlen   uint8
    Alen   uint8
    Slen   uint8
    Data   [12]int8

type RawSockaddrInet4

type RawSockaddrInet4 struct {
    Len    uint8
    Family uint8
    Port   uint16
    Addr   [4]byte /* in_addr */
    Zero   [8]int8

type RawSockaddrInet6 1.1

type RawSockaddrInet6 struct {
    Len      uint8
    Family   uint8
    Port     uint16
    Flowinfo uint32
    Addr     [16]byte /* in6_addr */
    Scope_id uint32

type RawSockaddrUnix 1.12

type RawSockaddrUnix struct {
    Len    uint8
    Family uint8
    Path   [104]int8

type Rlimit

type Rlimit struct {
    Cur uint64
    Max uint64

type RouteMessage

RouteMessage represents a routing message containing routing entries.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type RouteMessage struct {
    Header RtMsghdr
    Data   []byte

type RoutingMessage

RoutingMessage represents a routing message.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type RoutingMessage interface {
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

func ParseRoutingMessage

func ParseRoutingMessage(b []byte) (msgs []RoutingMessage, err error)

ParseRoutingMessage parses b as routing messages and returns the slice containing the RoutingMessage interfaces.

Deprecated: Use instead.

type RtMetrics

type RtMetrics struct {
    Locks    uint32
    Mtu      uint32
    Hopcount uint32
    Expire   int32
    Recvpipe uint32
    Sendpipe uint32
    Ssthresh uint32
    Rtt      uint32
    Rttvar   uint32
    Pksent   uint32
    Filler   [4]uint32

type RtMsghdr

type RtMsghdr struct {
    Msglen    uint16
    Version   uint8
    Type      uint8
    Index     uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [2]byte
    Flags     int32
    Addrs     int32
    Pid       int32
    Seq       int32
    Errno     int32
    Use       int32
    Inits     uint32
    Rmx       RtMetrics

type Rusage

type Rusage struct {
    Utime    Timeval
    Stime    Timeval
    Maxrss   int64
    Ixrss    int64
    Idrss    int64
    Isrss    int64
    Minflt   int64
    Majflt   int64
    Nswap    int64
    Inblock  int64
    Oublock  int64
    Msgsnd   int64
    Msgrcv   int64
    Nsignals int64
    Nvcsw    int64
    Nivcsw   int64

type Signal

A Signal is a number describing a process signal. It implements the os.Signal interface.

type Signal int

func (Signal) Signal

func (s Signal) Signal()

func (Signal) String

func (s Signal) String() string

type Sockaddr

type Sockaddr interface {
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

func Accept

func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error)

func Getpeername

func Getpeername(fd int) (sa Sockaddr, err error)

func Getsockname

func Getsockname(fd int) (sa Sockaddr, err error)

func ParseRoutingSockaddr

func ParseRoutingSockaddr(msg RoutingMessage) ([]Sockaddr, error)

ParseRoutingSockaddr parses msg's payload as raw sockaddrs and returns the slice containing the Sockaddr interfaces.

Deprecated: Use instead.

func Recvfrom

func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error)

func Recvmsg

func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error)

type SockaddrDatalink

type SockaddrDatalink struct {
    Len    uint8
    Family uint8
    Index  uint16
    Type   uint8
    Nlen   uint8
    Alen   uint8
    Slen   uint8
    Data   [12]int8
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SockaddrInet4

type SockaddrInet4 struct {
    Port int
    Addr [4]byte
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SockaddrInet6

type SockaddrInet6 struct {
    Port   int
    ZoneId uint32
    Addr   [16]byte
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SockaddrUnix

type SockaddrUnix struct {
    Name string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SocketControlMessage

SocketControlMessage represents a socket control message.

type SocketControlMessage struct {
    Header Cmsghdr
    Data   []byte

func ParseSocketControlMessage

func ParseSocketControlMessage(b []byte) ([]SocketControlMessage, error)

ParseSocketControlMessage parses b as an array of socket control messages.

type Stat_t

type Stat_t struct {
    Dev           int32
    Mode          uint16
    Nlink         uint16
    Ino           uint64
    Uid           uint32
    Gid           uint32
    Rdev          int32
    Pad_cgo_0     [4]byte
    Atimespec     Timespec
    Mtimespec     Timespec
    Ctimespec     Timespec
    Birthtimespec Timespec
    Size          int64
    Blocks        int64
    Blksize       int32
    Flags         uint32
    Gen           uint32
    Lspare        int32
    Qspare        [2]int64

type Statfs_t

type Statfs_t struct {
    Bsize       uint32
    Iosize      int32
    Blocks      uint64
    Bfree       uint64
    Bavail      uint64
    Files       uint64
    Ffree       uint64
    Fsid        Fsid
    Owner       uint32
    Type        uint32
    Flags       uint32
    Fssubtype   uint32
    Fstypename  [16]int8
    Mntonname   [1024]int8
    Mntfromname [1024]int8
    Reserved    [8]uint32

type SysProcAttr

type SysProcAttr struct {
    Chroot     string      // Chroot.
    Credential *Credential // Credential.
    Ptrace     bool        // Enable tracing.
    Setsid     bool        // Create session.
    // Setpgid sets the process group ID of the child to Pgid,
    // or, if Pgid == 0, to the new child's process ID.
    Setpgid bool
    // Setctty sets the controlling terminal of the child to
    // file descriptor Ctty. Ctty must be a descriptor number
    // in the child process: an index into ProcAttr.Files.
    // This is only meaningful if Setsid is true.
    Setctty bool
    Noctty  bool // Detach fd 0 from controlling terminal
    Ctty    int  // Controlling TTY fd
    // Foreground places the child process group in the foreground.
    // This implies Setpgid. The Ctty field must be set to
    // the descriptor of the controlling TTY.
    // Unlike Setctty, in this case Ctty must be a descriptor
    // number in the parent process.
    Foreground bool
    Pgid       int // Child's process group ID if Setpgid.

type Termios

type Termios struct {
    Iflag     uint64
    Oflag     uint64
    Cflag     uint64
    Lflag     uint64
    Cc        [20]uint8
    Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte
    Ispeed    uint64
    Ospeed    uint64

type Timespec

type Timespec struct {
    Sec  int64
    Nsec int64

func NsecToTimespec 1.1

func NsecToTimespec(nsec int64) Timespec

NsecToTimespec converts a number of nanoseconds into a Timespec.

func (*Timespec) Nano

func (ts *Timespec) Nano() int64

Nano returns the time stored in ts as nanoseconds.

func (*Timespec) Unix

func (ts *Timespec) Unix() (sec int64, nsec int64)

Unix returns the time stored in ts as seconds plus nanoseconds.

type Timeval

type Timeval struct {
    Sec       int64
    Usec      int32
    Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte

func BpfTimeout

func BpfTimeout(fd int) (*Timeval, error)

Deprecated: Use instead.

func NsecToTimeval

func NsecToTimeval(nsec int64) Timeval

NsecToTimeval converts a number of nanoseconds into a Timeval.

func (*Timeval) Nano

func (tv *Timeval) Nano() int64

Nano returns the time stored in tv as nanoseconds.

func (*Timeval) Unix

func (tv *Timeval) Unix() (sec int64, nsec int64)

Unix returns the time stored in tv as seconds plus nanoseconds.

type Timeval32

type Timeval32 struct {
    Sec  int32
    Usec int32

type WaitStatus

type WaitStatus uint32

func (WaitStatus) Continued

func (w WaitStatus) Continued() bool

func (WaitStatus) CoreDump

func (w WaitStatus) CoreDump() bool

func (WaitStatus) ExitStatus

func (w WaitStatus) ExitStatus() int

func (WaitStatus) Exited

func (w WaitStatus) Exited() bool

func (WaitStatus) Signal

func (w WaitStatus) Signal() Signal

func (WaitStatus) Signaled

func (w WaitStatus) Signaled() bool

func (WaitStatus) StopSignal

func (w WaitStatus) StopSignal() Signal

func (WaitStatus) Stopped

func (w WaitStatus) Stopped() bool

func (WaitStatus) TrapCause

func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int


Name Synopsis
js Package js gives access to the WebAssembly host environment when using the js/wasm architecture.

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