
From Get docs

The VideoConfiguration dictionary of the Media Capabilities API is used to define the video file being tested when calling the MediaCapabilities methods encodingInfo() and decodingInfo() to determine whether or not the described video configuration is supported, and how smoothly and how smoooth and power-efficient it can be handled.


The VideoConfiguration dictionary is made up of five video properties, including:

  • contentType: A valid video MIME type. See our web video codec guide for types which may be supported.
  • width: The width of the video.
  • height: The height of the video.
  • bitrate: The number of bits used to encode one second of the video file.
  • framerate: The number of frames making up one second of video playback.


// Create media configuration to be tested
const mediaConfig = {
    type : 'file',  // see MediaDecodingConfiguration and MediaEncodingConfiguration
    video : {
        contentType : "video/webm;codecs=vp8", // valid content type
        width : 800,     // width of the video
        height : 600,    // height of the video
        bitrate : 10000, // number of bits used to encode 1s of video
        framerate : 30   // number of frames making up that 1s.


Specification Status Comment
Media CapabilitiesThe definition of 'VideoConfiguration' in that specification. Draft Initial definition

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.VideoConfiguration" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.

See also