
From Get docs

Secure contextThis feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The XRSession interface's onsqueezeend event handler property is a function to be invokedn when the squeezeend event sent to an XRSession when a primary squeeze action ends. This is sent immediately after the squeeze event, which announces the successful completion of the squeeze action. The squeezeend event handler is where you handle closing out a squeeze action whether it was successfully completed or not.

To learn more about how the sequence of squeeze events works, see Primary squeeze actions in Inputs and input sources.


xrSession.onsqueezeend = squeezeendHandlerFunction;


A function to be invoked whenever the XRSession receives a squeezestart event, indicating the ending of a primary squeeze action.


This snippet of code adds a simple handler for the squeezeend event, which responds only to events on the user's dominant hand. In response to the end of the squeeze operation, this code looks to see if there is an object currently being held by the user by checking to see if the variable user.heldObject contains a reference to an object representing the held item.

If heldObject has an object reference, that object is passed to a function called cancelObjectDrag(), which would be written to return the object to its original position. This takes care of the situation in which the drag is aborted or canceled.

xrSession.onsqueezeend = event => {
  if (event.inputSource.handedness == user.handedness) {
    let targetRayPose = event.frame.getPose(event.inputSource.targetRaySpace, myRefSpace;

    if (user.heldObject) {

This code presumes that if the user actually intentionally completed the drag, user.heldObject will be null here. That's because (in this example, at least) the handler for the squeeze event has already dropped the object into its new location and then cleared the value of heldObject to indicate that the user is no longer holding anything.


Specification Status Comment
WebXR Device APIThe definition of 'XRSession.onsqueezeend' in that specification. Working Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.XRSession.onsqueezeend" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.

See also