
From Get docs

Secure contextThis feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The XRReferenceSpaceEventInit property transform indicates the position and orientation of the affected reference space's native origin after the changes the event represents are applied. The transform is defined using the old coordinate system, which allows it to be used to convert coordinates from the pre-event coordinate system to the post-event coordiante system.


let eventInitDict = {
  referenceSpace: xrReferenceSpace,
  transform: xrRigidTransform


An XRRigidTransform object providing a transform that can be used to convert coordinates from the pre-event coordinate system to the post-event coordinate system.


This simple snippet calls the constructor to create a new reference space event of type reset.

let refSpaceEvent = new XRReferenceSpaceEvent("reset", {
      referenceSpace: myRefSpace,
      transform: myTransform


Specification Status Comment
WebXR Device APIThe definition of 'XRReferenceSpaceEventInit.transform' in that specification. Working Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.XRReferenceSpaceEventInit.transform" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.