
From Get docs

The WebRTC API's RTCIceProtocol enumerated type provides a set of DOMString values representing the names of the transport protocols ICE candidates can use. These strings are taken directly from the candidate a-line in SDP.


The candidate, if selected, would use TCP as the transport protocol for its data. The tcpType property provides additional information about the kind of TCP candidate represented by the object.
The candidate will use the UDP transport protocol for its data. This is the preferred protocol for media interactions because of its better performance profile.

Usage notes

The RTCIceProtocol type is used by the protocol property of RTCIceCandidate objects.


Specification Status Comment
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between BrowsersThe definition of 'RTCIceProtocol' in that specification. Candidate Recommendation Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

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