
From Get docs

The read-only sctpCauseCode property in an RTCError object provides the SCTP cause code explaining why the SCTP negotiation failed, if the RTCError represents an SCTP error.


let sctpCause = rtcError.sctpCauseCode;


An unsigned long integer value specifying SCTP cause code explaining why the error occurred. This property is null if the error isn't an SCTP error, with its errorDetail property set to sctp-failure.

The standard SCTP error cause codes, numbered 1-13, are defined in the SCTP specification: RFC 4960, section 3.3.10.


Specification Status Comment
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between BrowsersThe definition of 'RTCError.sctpCauseCode' in that specification. Candidate Recommendation Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

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