Web/API/RTCDtlsTransport/error event

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An RTCDtlsTransport receives an error event when a transport-level error occurs on the RTCPeerConnection.

Bubbles Yes
Cancelable No
Interface RTCErrorEvent
Event handler property onerror

The RTCErrorEvent object provides details about the error that occurred; see that article for details.


Transport-level errors will have one of the following values for the specified error's RTCError property errorDetail:

The negotiation of the DTLS connection failed, or the connection was terminated with a fatal error. The error's message contains details about the nature of the error. If a fatal error is received, the error object's receivedAlert property is set to the value of the DTLSL alert received. If, on the other hand, a fatal error was sent, the sentAlert is set to the alert's value.
The remote certificate for the RTCDtlsTransport didn't match any of the fingerprints listed in the SDP. If the remote peer can't match the local certificate against the provided fingerprints, this error doesn't occur, though this situation may result instead in a dtls-failure error.


In this example, the onerror event handler property is used to set the handler for the error event.

transport.onerror = ev => {
  const err = ev.error;

  /* ... */

Note: Since RTCError is not one of the legacy errors, the value of RTCError.code is always 0.


Specification Status Comment
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between BrowsersThe definition of 'RTCDtlsTransport: error event' in that specification. Candidate Recommendation Initial specification.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.RTCDtlsTransport.error_event" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.

See also