
From Get docs

Secure contextThis feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The id read-only property of the PublicKeyCredential interface is a DOMString, inherited from Credential, which represents the identifier of the current PublicKeyCredential instance.

This property is a base64url encoded version of PublicKeyCredential.rawId.

Note: This property may only be used in top-level contexts and will not be available in an <iframe> for example.


id = publicKeyCredential.id


A DOMString being the base64url encoded version of PublicKeyCredential.rawId.


var publicKey = {
  challenge: new Uint8Array(26) /* this actually is given from the server */,
  rp: {
    name: "Example CORP",
    id  : "login.example.com"
  user: {
    id: new Uint8Array(26), /* To be changed for each user */
    name: "[email protected]",
    displayName: "John Doe",
  pubKeyCredParams: [
      type: "public-key",
      alg: -7

navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey })
  .then(function (newCredentialInfo) {
    var id = newCredentialInfo.id;
    // Do something with the id

    // send attestation response and client extensions
    // to the server to proceed with the registration
    // of the credential
  }).catch(function (err) {


Specification Status Comment
Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 1The definition of 'id' in that specification. Recommendation Specified in the context of PublicKeyCredential. Overrides the getter defined in Credential.
Credential Management Level 1The definition of 'id' in that specification. Working Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.PublicKeyCredential.id" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.

See also