
From Get docs

The y read-only property of the LinearAccelerationSensor interface returns a double precision integer containing the acceleration of the device along the device's y axis.

If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. See Feature-Policy for implementation instructions.


var yAcceleration = accelerometer.y


A Number.


Linear acceleration is typically read in the Sensor.onreading event callback. In the example below this occurs sixty times a second.

let laSensor = new LinearAccelerationSensor({frequency: 60});

laSensor.addEventListener('reading', e => {
  console.log("Linear acceleration along the X-axis " + laSensor.x);
  console.log("Linear acceleration along the Y-axis " + laSensor.y);
  console.log("Linear acceleration along the Z-axis " + laSensor.z);


Specification Status Comment
Generic Sensor API Candidate Recommendation Defines sensors in general.
AccelerometerThe definition of 'y' in that specification. Candidate Recommendation

Browser compatibility

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