Column and Data Types — SQLAlchemy 2.0.0b1 documentation

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Column and Data Types

SQLAlchemy provides abstractions for most common database data types, and a mechanism for specifying your own custom data types.

The methods and attributes of type objects are rarely used directly. Type objects are supplied to Table definitions and can be supplied as type hints to functions for occasions where the database driver returns an incorrect type.

>>> users = Table('users', metadata,
...               Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
...               Column('login', String(32))
...              )

SQLAlchemy will use the Integer and String(32) type information when issuing a CREATE TABLE statement and will use it again when reading back rows SELECTed from the database. Functions that accept a type (such as Column()) will typically accept a type class or instance; Integer is equivalent to Integer() with no construction arguments in this case.

Generic Types

Generic types specify a column that can read, write and store a particular type of Python data. SQLAlchemy will choose the best database column type available on the target database when issuing a CREATE TABLE statement. For complete control over which column type is emitted in CREATE TABLE, such as VARCHAR see SQL Standard and Multiple Vendor Types and the other sections of this chapter.

SQL Standard and Multiple Vendor Types

This category of types refers to types that are either part of the SQL standard, or are potentially found within a subset of database backends. Unlike the “generic” types, the SQL standard/multi-vendor types have no guarantee of working on all backends, and will only work on those backends that explicitly support them by name. That is, the type will always emit its exact name in DDL with CREATE TABLE is issued.

Vendor-Specific Types

Database-specific types are also available for import from each database’s dialect module. See the Dialects reference for the database you’re interested in.

For example, MySQL has a BIGINT type and PostgreSQL has an INET type. To use these, import them from the module explicitly:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

table = Table('foo', metadata,
    Column('id', mysql.BIGINT),
    Column('enumerates', mysql.ENUM('a', 'b', 'c'))

Or some PostgreSQL types:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql

table = Table('foo', metadata,
    Column('ipaddress', postgresql.INET),
    Column('elements', postgresql.ARRAY(String))

Each dialect provides the full set of typenames supported by that backend within its __all__ collection, so that a simple import * or similar will import all supported types as implemented for that backend:

from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import *

t = Table('mytable', metadata,
           Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
           Column('name', VARCHAR(300)),
           Column('inetaddr', INET)

Where above, the INTEGER and VARCHAR types are ultimately from sqlalchemy.types, and INET is specific to the PostgreSQL dialect.

Some dialect level types have the same name as the SQL standard type, but also provide additional arguments. For example, MySQL implements the full range of character and string types including additional arguments such as collation and charset:

from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import VARCHAR, TEXT

table = Table('foo', meta,
    Column('col1', VARCHAR(200, collation='binary')),
    Column('col2', TEXT(charset='latin1'))