
From Get docs

6.4 Branching and Flow Control

The branching commands b, t, and T enable changing the flow of sed programs.

By default, sed reads an input line into the pattern buffer, then continues to processes all commands in order. Commands without addresses affect all lines. Commands with addresses affect only matching lines. See Execution Cycle and Addresses overview.

sed does not support a typical if/then construct. Instead, some commands can be used as conditionals or to change the default flow control:

delete (clears) the current pattern space, and restart the program cycle without processing the rest of the commands and without printing the pattern space.
delete the contents of the pattern space up to the first newline, and restart the program cycle without processing the rest of the commands and without printing the pattern space.

[addr]{ X ; X ; X }
/regexp/{ X ; X ; X }

Addresses and regular expressions can be used as an if/then conditional: If [addr] matches the current pattern space, execute the command(s). For example: The command /^#/d means: if the current pattern matches the regular expression ^# (a line starting with a hash), then execute the d command: delete the line without printing it, and restart the program cycle immediately.
branch unconditionally (that is: always jump to a label, skipping or repeating other commands, without restarting a new cycle). Combined with an address, the branch can be conditionally executed on matched lines.
branch conditionally (that is: jump to a label) only if a s/// command has succeeded since the last input line was read or another conditional branch was taken.
similar but opposite to the t command: branch only if there has been no successful substitutions since the last input line was read.

The following two sed programs are equivalent. The first (contrived) example uses the b command to skip the s/// command on lines containing ‘1’. The second example uses an address with negation (‘!’) to perform substitution only on desired lines. The y/// command is still executed on all lines:

$ printf '%s\n' a1 a2 a3 | sed -E '/1/bx ; s/a/z/ ; :x ; y/123/456/'

$ printf '%s\n' a1 a2 a3 | sed -E '/1/!s/a/z/ ; y/123/456/'

6.4.1 Branching and Cycles

The b,t and T commands can be followed by a label (typically a single letter). Labels are defined with a colon followed by one or more letters (e.g. ‘:x’). If the label is omitted the branch commands restart the cycle. Note the difference between branching to a label and restarting the cycle: when a cycle is restarted, sed first prints the current content of the pattern space, then reads the next input line into the pattern space; Jumping to a label (even if it is at the beginning of the program) does not print the pattern space and does not read the next input line.

The following program is a no-op. The b command (the only command in the program) does not have a label, and thus simply restarts the cycle. On each cycle, the pattern space is printed and the next input line is read:

$ seq 3 | sed b

The following example is an infinite-loop - it doesn’t terminate and doesn’t print anything. The b command jumps to the ‘x’ label, and a new cycle is never started:

$ seq 3 | sed ':x ; bx'

# The above command requires gnu sed (which supports additional
# commands following a label, without a newline). A portable equivalent:
#     sed -e ':x' -e bx

Branching is often complemented with the n or N commands: both commands read the next input line into the pattern space without waiting for the cycle to restart. Before reading the next input line, n prints the current pattern space then empties it, while N appends a newline and the next input line to the pattern space.

Consider the following two examples:

$ seq 3 | sed ':x ; n ; bx'

$ seq 3 | sed ':x ; N ; bx'
  • Both examples do not inf-loop, despite never starting a new cycle.
  • In the first example, the n commands first prints the content of the pattern space, empties the pattern space then reads the next input line.
  • In the second example, the N commands appends the next input line to the pattern space (with a newline). Lines are accumulated in the pattern space until there are no more input lines to read, then the N command terminates the sed program. When the program terminates, the end-of-cycle actions are performed, and the entire pattern space is printed.
  • The second example requires GNU sed, because it uses the non-POSIX-standard behavior of N. See the “N command on the last line” paragraph in Reporting Bugs.
  • To further examine the difference between the two examples, try the following commands:
    printf '%s\n' aa bb cc dd | sed ':x ; n ; = ; bx'
    printf '%s\n' aa bb cc dd | sed ':x ; N ; = ; bx'
    printf '%s\n' aa bb cc dd | sed ':x ; n ; s/\n/***/ ; bx'
    printf '%s\n' aa bb cc dd | sed ':x ; N ; s/\n/***/ ; bx'

6.4.2 Branching example: joining lines

As a real-world example of using branching, consider the case of quoted-printable files, typically used to encode email messages. In these files long lines are split and marked with a soft line break consisting of a single ‘=’ character at the end of the line:

$ cat jaques.txt
All the wor=
ld's a stag=
And all the=
 men and wo=
men merely =
They have t=
heir exits =
and their e=
And one man=
 in his tim=
e plays man=
y parts.

The following program uses an address match ‘/=$/’ as a conditional: If the current pattern space ends with a ‘=’, it reads the next input line using N, replaces all ‘=’ characters which are followed by a newline, and unconditionally branches (b) to the beginning of the program without restarting a new cycle. If the pattern space does not ends with ‘=’, the default action is performed: the pattern space is printed and a new cycle is started:

$ sed ':x ; /=$/ { N ; s/=\n//g ; bx }' jaques.txt
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.

Here’s an alternative program with a slightly different approach: On all lines except the last, N appends the line to the pattern space. A substitution command then removes soft line breaks (‘=’ at the end of a line, i.e. followed by a newline) by replacing them with an empty string. if the substitution was successful (meaning the pattern space contained a line which should be joined), The conditional branch command t jumps to the beginning of the program without completing or restarting the cycle. If the substitution failed (meaning there were no soft line breaks), The t command will not branch. Then, P will print the pattern space content until the first newline, and D will delete the pattern space content until the first new line. (To learn more about N, P and D commands see Multiline techniques).

$ sed ':x ; $!N ; s/=\n// ; tx ; P ; D' jaques.txt
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.

For more line-joining examples see Joining lines.