Audit events table — Python documentation

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Python/docs/3.10/library/audit events

Audit events table

This table contains all events raised by sys.audit() or PySys_Audit() calls throughout the CPython runtime and the standard library. These calls were added in 3.8.0 or later (see PEP 578).

See sys.addaudithook() and PySys_AddAuditHook() for information on handling these events.

The following events are raised internally and do not correspond to any public API of CPython:

Audit event Arguments
_winapi.CreateFile file_name, desired_access, share_mode, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes
_winapi.CreateJunction src_path, dst_path
_winapi.CreateNamedPipe name, open_mode, pipe_mode
_winapi.CreateProcess application_name, command_line, current_directory
_winapi.OpenProcess process_id, desired_access
_winapi.TerminateProcess handle, exit_code
ctypes.PyObj_FromPtr obj