
From Get docs


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

imagegifOutput image to browser or file


imagegif ( resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL ] ) : bool

imagegif() creates the GIF file in to from the image image. The image argument is the return from the imagecreate() or imagecreatefrom* function.

The image format will be GIF87a unless the image has been made transparent with imagecolortransparent(), in which case the image format will be GIF89a.


An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as imagecreatetruecolor().
The path or an open stream resource (which is automatically being closed after this function returns) to save the file to. If not set or NULL, the raw image stream will be outputted directly.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Caution However, if libgd fails to output the image, this function returns TRUE.


Example #1 Outputting an image using imagegif()

<?php// Create a new image instance$im = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100);// Make the background whiteimagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 99, 99, 0xFFFFFF);// Draw a text string on the imageimagestring($im, 3, 40, 20, 'GD Library', 0xFFBA00);// Output the image to browserheader('Content-Type: image/gif');imagegif($im);imagedestroy($im);?>

Example #2 Converting a PNG image to GIF using imagegif()

<?php// Load the PNG$png = imagecreatefrompng('./php.png');// Save the image as a GIFimagegif($png, './php.gif');// Free from memoryimagedestroy($png);// We're doneecho 'Converted PNG image to GIF with success!';?>



GIF support was removed from the GD library in Version 1.6, and added back in Version 2.0.28. This function is not available between these versions. For more information, see the » GD Project site.

The following code snippet allows you to write more portable PHP applications by auto-detecting the type of GD support which is available. Replace the sequence header ("Content-Type: image/gif"); imagegif ($im); by the more flexible sequence:

<?php// Create a new image instance$im = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100);// Do some image operations here// Handle outputif(function_exists('imagegif')){    // For GIF    header('Content-Type: image/gif');    imagegif($im);}elseif(function_exists('imagejpeg')){    // For JPEG    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');    imagejpeg($im, NULL, 100);}elseif(function_exists('imagepng')){    // For PNG    header('Content-Type: image/png');    imagepng($im);}elseif(function_exists('imagewbmp')){    // For WBMP    header('Content-Type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp');    imagewbmp($im);}else{    imagedestroy($im);    die('No image support in this PHP server');}// If image support was found for one of these// formats, then free it from memoryif($im){    imagedestroy($im);}?>


You can use the function imagetypes() for checking the presence of the various supported image formats:

<?phpif(imagetypes() & IMG_GIF){    header('Content-Type: image/gif');    imagegif($im);}elseif(imagetypes() & IMG_JPG){    /* ... etc. */}?>

See Also

  • imagepng() - Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file
  • imagewbmp() - Output image to browser or file
  • imagejpeg() - Output image to browser or file
  • imagetypes() - Return the image types supported by this PHP build