Serialization Interface — ItsDangerous documentation

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Serialization Interface

The Signing Interface only signs bytes. To sign other types, the Serializer class provides a dumps/loads interface similar to Python’s json module, which serializes the object to a string then signs that.

Use dumps() to serialize and sign the data:

from itsdangerous.serializer import Serializer
s = Serializer("secret-key")
s.dumps([1, 2, 3, 4])
b'[1, 2, 3, 4].r7R9RhGgDPvvWl3iNzLuIIfELmo'

Use loads() to verify the signature and deserialize the data.

s.loads('[1, 2, 3, 4].r7R9RhGgDPvvWl3iNzLuIIfELmo')
[1, 2, 3, 4]

By default, data is serialized to JSON with the built-in json module. This internal serializer can be changed by subclassing.

To record and validate the age of the signature, see Signing With Timestamps. To serialize to a format that is safe to use in URLs, see URL Safe Serialization.

Responding to Failure

Exceptions have helpful attributes which allow you to inspect the payload if the signature check failed. This has to be done with extra care because at that point you know that someone tampered with your data but it might be useful for debugging purposes.

from itsdangerous.serializer import Serializer
from itsdangerous.exc import BadSignature, BadData

s = URLSafeSerializer("secret-key")
decoded_payload = None

    decoded_payload = s.loads(data)
    # This payload is decoded and safe
except BadSignature as e:
    if e.payload is not None:
            decoded_payload = s.load_payload(e.payload)
        except BadData:
        # This payload is decoded but unsafe because someone
        # tampered with the signature. The decode (load_payload)
        # step is explicit because it might be unsafe to unserialize
        # the payload (think pickle instead of json!)

If you don’t want to inspect attributes to figure out what exactly went wrong you can also use loads_unsafe():

sig_okay, payload = s.loads_unsafe(data)

The first item in the returned tuple is a boolean that indicates if the signature was correct.

Fallback Signers

You may want to upgrade the signing parameters without invalidating existing signatures immediately. For example, you may decide that you want to use a different digest method. New signatures should use the new method, but old signatures should still validate.

A list of fallback_signers can be given that will be tried if unsigning with the current signer fails. Each item in the list can be:

  • A dict of signer_kwargs to instantiate the signer class passed to the serializer.
  • A Signer class to instantiated with the secret_key, salt, and signer_kwargs passed to the serializer.
  • A tuple of (signer_class, signer_kwargs) to instantiate the given class with the given args.

For example, this is a serializer that signs using SHA-512, but will unsign using either SHA-512 or SHA-1:

s = Serializer(
    signer_kwargs={"digest_method": hashlib.sha512},
    fallback_signers=[{"digest_method": hashlib.sha1}]