Django 1.8.6 release notes — Django documentation

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Django 1.8.6 release notes

November 4, 2015

Django 1.8.6 adds official support for Python 3.5 and fixes several bugs in 1.8.5.


  • Fixed a regression causing ModelChoiceField to ignore prefetch_related() on its queryset (:ticket:`25496`).
  • Allowed “mode=memory” in SQLite test database name if supported (:ticket:`12118`).
  • Fixed system check crash on ForeignKey to abstract model (:ticket:`25503`).
  • Fixed incorrect queries when you have multiple ManyToManyFields on different models that have the same field name, point to the same model, and have their reverse relations disabled (:ticket:`25545`).
  • Allowed filtering over a RawSQL annotation (:ticket:`25506`).
  • Made the Concat database function idempotent on SQLite (:ticket:`25517`).
  • Avoided a confusing stack trace when starting :djadmin:`runserver` with an invalid :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` setting (:ticket:`25510`). This regression appeared in 1.8.5 as a side effect of fixing :ticket:`24704`.
  • Made deferred models use their proxied model’s _meta.apps for caching and retrieval (:ticket:`25563`). This prevents any models generated in data migrations using QuerySet.defer() from leaking to test and application code.
  • Fixed a typo in the name of the strictly_above PostGIS lookup (:ticket:`25592`).
  • Fixed crash with contrib.postgres.forms.SplitArrayField and IntegerField on invalid value (:ticket:`25597`).
  • Added a helpful error message when Django and South migrations exist in the same directory (:ticket:`25618`).
  • Fixed a regression in URLValidator that allowed URLs with consecutive dots in the domain section (like to pass (:ticket:`25620`).
  • Fixed a crash with GenericRelation and BaseModelAdmin.to_field_allowed (:ticket:`25622`).